02 Feb 2007 at 17:18 - 2
I know off the top of my head that you can't with either one.
The main reason why is because the 55 build is really only effective against physical attackers. Even if you use Spell Breaker to protect yourself for a bit, when it falls, you're as good as dead.
A Mursaat Elementalist can hit you with Chain Lightning or Enevervating Charge for near instant death damage, the Necromancer can Life Siphon you to kill your regen, and the Mesmer can E-Surge you for an instant death.
On the Margonite side, the Necromancer can use Corrupt Enchantment to strip and degen you, the Elementalist can Invoke Lightning to kill you, and the Mesmer can drain your energy away.
The only way I can think of doing this right now, is rushing in with SB, killing a single enemy, and then retreating until you drop aggro. But that would take an incredibly long time just to kill one group, let alone farm an entire region.....