Changes in Protector title - New guardian title



Join Date: Dec 2006

From GuildWiki:

"Protector title track now has the description: You will earn the title Protector of <continent> once you complete <max level> of all <x> missions of the continent of <continent>, and the title Guardian of <continent> once you complete them again in hard mode. (This change seems to affect only title tracks which are still not at the Protector title). Nothing is yet known of what exactly is "hard mode"."

Do someone have some information about Guardian Title? Will this be "level 2" of the protector tile or it will be stand alone?

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Nobody really has any info on this yet.
Wiki knows this as it apears in some peoples Hero window and that is the description it gives.

Gaile said this will be optional thing, thats basicly all we know.
Theres another thread about this somewhere else look for it, they are talking about what this "Hard level" might mean ( higher lvl mobs, more mobs etcetc..)



Join Date: Dec 2006

Mmh so i'll look for it. Thank u Xenex

Rene Saliere

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

New Zealand

We want to know whether or not a Protector Title will count as the maximum level of the respective Protector Title Track with regard to Kind Of A Big Deal. Not the Guardian Mission Track. The Protector Title Track.

There was a outcry amongst Protectors of Tyria/Cantha/Elona during the brief Valentine's Day Title 'bug' that appeared over not only unmaxed Titles, but maxed Titles.

This 'bug' was fixed within a few hours. Two things still worry me though:

1) Unmaxed Titles still carry this message. If the 'bug' was fixed, why weren't the unmaxed Title statements fixed? Was it a 'bug', or a vision of the future?

2) Why won't Anet give a clear reply on this matter and lay fears to rest? And I mean *clear*, not some marketspeak about not 'devaluing' current Titles. The evasion of the direct question with the word 'devalue', scares me, because it is an obvious evasion, but it also suggests that you know something...

Conclusion: Anet very likely going to unmax all the Protector Titles.

Action: If the community doesn't want this change, now is the time to make a fuss about it.

This should be our constant query, it's quite simple:

We want to know whether or not a Protector Title will count as the maximum level of the respective Protector Title Track with regard to Kind Of A Big Deal. Not the Guardian Mission Track. The Protector Title Track.

Please stop evading this question. If the Protector titles are not going to be counted as maxed with regard to Kind Of A Big Deal, many of us want to stop wasting time earning the Titles now, maybe even sell the game that keeps moving the finish line further away from the marathon runners, and get on with our new lives.

Once again, so it's real clear:

We want to know whether or not a Protector Title will count as the maximum level of the respective Protector Title Track with regard to Kind Of A Big Deal. Not the Guardian Mission Track. The Protector Title Track.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


One of the updates turned Guardian into a second tier of Protector, so I'd assume that's what the final outcome will be. >.>



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This isn't the "ask a question to Arenanet" forum. Try using search to find previous threads about Protector/Guardian. Closed.