A qeustion concerning chest running

martyr migraine

martyr migraine

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

new zealand, mount maunganui, beach FTW!

Dragon Storm (DRGN)


After a break from PvE im back, and hoping to make some cash out of something a little less mindless than farming, the odds are low i realise, of getting a nice item, but id still like to know where is the current 3 fav chest running places of the GWguru community

Martyr Migraine


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Zombies of War


I've had great luck running in Stygian Veil. It is mindless, and you only get about 2 chests every 3-4 minutes, but some of the drops are worth alot. Veil is in the domain of anguish, nightfall endgame mission area.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

Same..i made tonnes of cash from Stygian, but theres so many DoA chest runners..everything is just falling in price, im currently trying poisoned outcrops, i have ran about 500 keys there..still nothing good yet.