we all know people pay people to run, power level, etc. we also know that bad things happen through this excercise because of the level of trust required, and because of the possibility of failure <it's pretty damn hard to fail to give someone urgoz's flatbow, it's pretty easy to fail to provide a run from beacons to droknars>
so, I'd like to see some kind of escrow system, this eliminates the afker problems, this eliminates all those reports <well, a lot of those reports> anet gets regarding this issue, and it makes this a much more upstanding industry
also people could start standardizing rates, I do daily runs from ascalon to sanctum cay and have been off and on since before factions came out, and I still don't know what the standard rate is for that run, I do it for tips for simplicity's sake.
institutionalize mercenaries