The Lost Extracts of Orr



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

United Kingdom

Quit Whining And [PLAY]


I cannot express with mere words how my heart is saddened by recent events, which have seen the worst of all our fears come to pass. Only a few of us now remain to tell the story of the great city of Arah, capital of Orr. As we, the survivors of the cataclysm which saw Orr reclaimed by the great Sea, struggle against the relentless wrath of the Desert, I feel our story should be told. If we are to perish here today, those who follow will at least hear the voices of the distant past. Where is one to begin such a dreadful tale? Since you may be reading this in many thousands of years, I shall begin at the best place; the start.

Orr was one of the great nations of Tyria. We fought galiantly in the great Guild Wars; we not only held our wide borders, but managed to halt the advance of the Krytan fleets in what we now call the Siren Sea Battle, since it occured in the Bay of Sirens.

However, although battles raged abroad, Orr still prospered. Arah, our greatest city and home to the King of Orr, was rich. The buildings were built from the purest marble, decorated with the richest gold and most dazzling jewels for many lands. Maybe that was our mistake; to think ourselves so greatly removed from the world that we focused soley on our own small territory. However, our failings matter not now, since I doubt the Orrians shall we around much longer.

One day, news reached us of a new fight in the northern lands of Tyria. We at first rejoiced, thinking that we had found an ally to join to fight the Ascalonians and the Krytans. But we were wrong. Our rejoicing was short lived; only a few weeks later, we recieved the brutally ravaged bodies of negotiators and soldiers whom we had sent with greetings to this new army from the far North.

They were known as the Charr. Brutally effecient and immensely strong, these beasts knew that Orr would be no threat to them. Upon hearing of the failure to negotiate, the vizier Khilbron, the kings closest advisor, told the people of Arah that he believed he could stop this new threat. Once again, Orr rejoiced. However, Khilbron told us that he needed time to prepare the spells and magics needed for such a task.

Whilst the king's advisor worked his sorcery deep below the city of Arah, soldiers were sent to the northern tip of Orr to defend the coastline against a possible Charr invasion. There were a few skirmishes, but we experienced no major problems; we all knew that the Charr would eventually come, after they had laid waste to the other kingdoms of Tyria.


Ok so I haven't written any fan fiction for games for quite some time, so please take that into mind for this. More will follow if anybody wants to read more.
