need help making $$$



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

hi everyone

ive hit a new GW low, to give u an idea on how low, ive actually come to sympathize with ppl who buy ebay gold , yes im that depressed . im trying to save up for new gear, a tormented sheild, obsidian armor, and a runic blade, but ive now hit a roadblock (make that a dude holding an m16 and preventing me from crossing a bridge over a 200 ft chasm ) 1. under the suggestion of a friend, i made a monk and rushed him thru nightfall in 3 days so we could farm titan gems ... but we farmed only a couple times togethor (and i got 1 titan gem) b4 he found every known excuse to mankind to not farm it, and now ignores my pm's . now i have no partner to farm with, and to top it off the runic blade i want (the only one ive seen on guru), has a 120 ecto deadline by next friday or i dont get it , i need help, i need an area where i can make a 120 ectos worth of stuff in 5-6 days, plz help me

IGN: Lord Kurt Shurtugal



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

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