PvP/HoH Guild

Adam of Tyria

Adam of Tyria

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006


Hey I really want to make a PvP/HoH guild. I have already been an owner of a guild and had little members, so I just want to rebuild it. I would like to make a good one, so I guess I should get people with at least rank 2 gladiator. But of course that would mean I would need it too . So I need tips on how to make a PvP guild and to get rank to gladiator.

THanks if you can help. Big tips are greatly appreciated.
Adam of Tyria is online now



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

None, I don't play anymore.


If you don't have any PvP experiences then you might as well not make a guild and just join one.

Adam of Tyria

Adam of Tyria

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006


I hate ALOT of pvp experience. Its just I wanna get more into it. And to make a good pvp guild i need some tips on how to make it, schedules, and maintaining it. Also getting gladiator title would help.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Critical Chop [cC]


If you're going to make a pvp guild first think of these:

What Rank Am I?
How will I recruit non-retards
How will I recruit Ranked players?

You need a group of friends to start a decent guild, then recruit friends. Don't just stand in ID1 and spam New Guild LF Members First join gets officer!!

Your best bet is, PUG till rank 5-6 and join a guild.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

I would have to agree with the other posters. Leading a guild, even a very very casual one, can be a challenge. It would be best for you to join a PvP oriented guild to see how they manage; at the same time gaining rank/xp. Then leave and copy that model, if it works.

I have a mostly PvE guild, we only dabble in PvP. I can only imagine the management skills needed to keep everyone on the same page and ready to go for GvG/HoH.

I'm assuming you don't want inexperience players. Skilled players will want an established guild with a leader they can depend on to make things happen. Learn by example, I'd say; then make your guild.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

I dont like guilds...


Starting a PvP guild by yourself is very hard, especially if you plan on getting somewhere and not recruiting random people. I would say dont even try it unless you have 2 people at the very least you know in RL, or maybe in-game, who would be willing to start/work on the guild with you.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by stuntharley
If you're going to make a pvp guild first think of these:

What Rank Am I?
How will I recruit non-retards
How will I recruit Ranked players?

You need a group of friends to start a decent guild, then recruit friends. Don't just stand in ID1 and spam New Guild LF Members First join gets officer!!

Your best bet is, PUG till rank 5-6 and join a guild.
agree on this one. If you start on your own, without anyone from your friends that is willing to join you it is very hard.
You also have to know, ppl are very sceptic about newly formed guilds. Most join a guild with high expectations and think that they will pwn everything now, because they entered a ranked guild. When u suffered your first couple of losses, you can almost be 99% positive that at least 1 person wont be there tomorrow when u log on.

Thats the way it goes, unfortunately



I like yumy food!

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I can eat yumy food

Dead Alley [dR]


Some other questions to ask yourself are:

What sort of pvp experience do I have, and need to work on? GvG, HA, RA, TA, AB, HB?
What type of players do I want? Good players that may be a little too demanding for the lesser-good players, people who love AB but hate HA, people who love TA but can't RA?

Having a group of people to join you is your best bet in starting a guild, or you can join random HA pugs until you find good players that want to join you.