Im stuck and its not my fault
James Cameron15
I started playing Guild Wars Nightfall just after christmas i'm a level 20 E/Me, 2 weeks ago i started a primary quest given to me by the Royal Finance Minister in Honur Hill, Vabbi, unfortunately just after starting it i had to go out so for some reason i abandoned the quest and logged out, since then i have been unable to restart the mission and it is not in my quest log, as this was a primary quest it means i am unable to carry on with the story, i have tried asking Guild Wars what i should do but they keep coming up with the same 2 responses these are 'try uninstalling then reinstalling Guild Wars' i have tried this twice and it doesn't work there next response is 'we have noted ur petition and we are unable to help' this once again not that helpful, as u can tell i am very annoyed with what is happening and i would be very grateful for any tips on what to do

Nightfall mission sequence and common problems
You probably are on the primary quest [wiki]Warning Kehanni[/wiki], after mission 9. Just talk to the Royal Finance Minister in Honur Hill again.
You probably are on the primary quest [wiki]Warning Kehanni[/wiki], after mission 9. Just talk to the Royal Finance Minister in Honur Hill again.
Ashleigh McMahon
You should be able to pick up that primary quest again from the person you received it from the first time.
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
Are you sure you didn't actually complete it? I don't remember which mission comes after that one but try going to that mission and see if it will let you do it.
Ashleigh McMahon
Yeah. If you press 'M' you can see all of the continent. If you see a zone flashing, it means you have not completed a mission there or it is a challenge mission/end game mission.
If you are unsure from whom to get the quest you abbandoned or the follow up quest www.guildwiki.org has a quest list, the quest u abbandoned or the follow up should be fairly easy to find.
Yeah check wiki, and.. it actually is your fault, but no harm done, a little research will mend everything.
Hi there. This doesn't answer your question, but might help an implied one.
From your original post I gathered that you sat down to play GW, started a quest and then something or other pulled you away from the computer. So you abandoned the quest and logged off.
Actually, you never have to abandon a quest. Quests aren't meant to necessarily be completed in 1 session. Most of them can be, but it's not necessary. Just log off GW without abandoning. The quest will be there waiting for you when you return.
From your original post I gathered that you sat down to play GW, started a quest and then something or other pulled you away from the computer. So you abandoned the quest and logged off.
Actually, you never have to abandon a quest. Quests aren't meant to necessarily be completed in 1 session. Most of them can be, but it's not necessary. Just log off GW without abandoning. The quest will be there waiting for you when you return.
James Cameron15
Unfortunately i have spken to the finance minister and he is not giving me the quest anymore
You don't say how far you got in the quest before quitting. Did you fight the Margonites? Did you talk to Kehanni?
Have you visited the reward giver - head priest in the Grand Court?
ANet is unable to help individual players with quest bugs as it would usually involve a server rollback.
Have you visited the reward giver - head priest in the Grand Court?
ANet is unable to help individual players with quest bugs as it would usually involve a server rollback.
It sounds like you were doing *Warning Kehanni * like Savio suggested. You may have finished it. That quest puts you in the Grand Court of Sebelkeh . Check and see if you have that post on you map and talk to Head Priest Vahmani to obtain the next primary quest *Calling the Order*.
If that doesn't work, I would try backtracking a bit. That quest is part of a series of 3 primary quests.
- Mission: Tihark Orchard must be completed.
1. *All's Well That Ends Well* Obtained from Royal Food Taster Rendu in the Kodash Bazaar.
2. *Warning Kehanni* Obtained from Royal Finance Minister Oloda in Honur Hill
3. * Greed and Regret * Obtained from Head Priest Vahmani in Grand Court of Sebelkeh IF you chose Margrid the Sly OR
*Calling the Order* IF you chose Master of Whispers.
I hope you find your way. Good luck.
If that doesn't work, I would try backtracking a bit. That quest is part of a series of 3 primary quests.
- Mission: Tihark Orchard must be completed.
1. *All's Well That Ends Well* Obtained from Royal Food Taster Rendu in the Kodash Bazaar.
2. *Warning Kehanni* Obtained from Royal Finance Minister Oloda in Honur Hill
3. * Greed and Regret * Obtained from Head Priest Vahmani in Grand Court of Sebelkeh IF you chose Margrid the Sly OR
*Calling the Order* IF you chose Master of Whispers.
I hope you find your way. Good luck.