Multiple Accounts/Same IP
Mortus Sabre
I just bought a new laptop, and my brother plays Guild Wars, so I'm thinking about purchasing it. He would play on our desktop computer, and I'd play on my laptop. Would we be able to be logged in simultaneously since we have the same IP address? I know other games have mechanisms that don't let you do that, so I want to be sure that we could be logged in together before I purchase the game. Thanks for your time.
Smile Like Umean It
No. Only one person can be logged into an account at any point in time. The first person will be kicked off when someone else logs on.
He is talking about 2 accounts. Yes, you will be able of course.
yes, myself and both my housemates have and play Guild Wars at the same time sometimes and it does work... all routed on the same IP
You'll need two copies of the game to play at the same time. Otherwise, you shouldn't have any problems with the setup you describe.
Pan Head
Yes you can. Me and my son do the same thing.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by daraaksii
He is talking about 2 accounts. Yes, you will be able of course.
Yes you will be abl to do that as long as you have only one account per machine. I have 4 computers going when I am at home, 2 accounts are my personal and the other 2 are taken by my GF and her daughter. I have a permenant ip and have had no problems (except bandwidth on occasion) and it uualy runs quite good. Also I am on dual 6k dsl so only under extreme usage do I ever see the problem.
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