I bought a Stonefist insignia for my PvE warrior, since he's all ready for pvp now, but it wont let me put it on him.... wtf....
It has the red lines on the button when i double click and then put my mouse over my armor. Won't work on any of like 15 pieces.
Are you sure your armor is insigniable?
You can't use insignia's on Canthan/Tyrian armor. Only on some sorts of Fissure aswell.
You can't use insignia's on Canthan/Tyrian armor. Only on some sorts of Fissure aswell.
Ahh thats it. Thanks. I've got Canthan Armor.
So how do I use stonefists on my pve guy?
So how do I use stonefists on my pve guy?
Buy Elonian armor that takes insignias and use it on that.
Xenex Xclame
You can also buy The armor piece gives the same effect as stonefist ( thats the knockdown extend one isn't it?) , if you don't want to have a whole new set just for the insignia.