Concept Class: Battle Mage



Join Date: Oct 2006

A spellcaster that is based on short range spells (half range spells, spells that effect all enemies in the area or adjacent, touch spells) and has high armor. The weapon would be a special spellcasting item that has a much smaller range but more damage. I'm thinking something along the lines of the same amount of base energy as a warrior, 4 energy regen, and 70 armor (+30 armor vs. physical damage) (this makes them able to fight against the strongest physical attacks, however, they are much more vulnerable to non-physical attacks then a warrior would be). I'm not sure about attributes or anything, but perhaps for a primary:

Rageful Magic (Primary): For every 3 ranks in this attribute, you gain 1 energy when you use a Battle Mage skill that does damage to an enemy.