Getting email adress


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007


Is there any possibility to get someones email adress if u only have an character name? Its urgent!

I know about the privacy stuff .... but i wouldn't ask i it wasn't important.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


As long as you don't use that email address for correspondence and have not listed it as a contact address for forum/auction sites, then no one should be able to access your email address. Someone knowing an IGN (character name) does not allow access to email information.

Example: Darcy Sa Renn is one of my IGNs. This gets someone nowhere as to who owns that IGN. If you also know I am Darcy on the GWG forums then you would be able to access my contact email. But as this is not the email with which I registered my GW account, it doesn't help someone trying to access my account.