No skill unlocks from questing in Cantha and Elona, unlike Prophecies?

Cpt. Spazzmo

Cpt. Spazzmo

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

San Diego, CA

Brotherhood Of Sacred Steel [BOSS]


I have all three of the campaigns. I seem to recall that even though the XP rewards in Tyria were usually paltry in the early game (I've never gotten much farther than the Maguuma jungle), I would quite frequently unlock skills for my chars. This doesn't seem to be the case in Elona or Cantha, only when I first chose my profesions. Do I just need to progress futher in the games to start unlocking skills or do you really have to buy them all? Keep in mind that I have three Factions chars in Keining City at lvl 20 and my three from Elona are just babies (lvls 10 through 15). Do I just need to keep plodding on or what? Any help would be awesome.

Edit By Ashleigh McMahon: I've updated your thread title to make it more informative of it's contents. Please refer to this thread here for more information.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

You don't get skills as quest rewards in Factions or Nightfall. Instead they give you a lot of skill points (as quest rewards and from the higher xp rewards).

Cpt. Spazzmo

Cpt. Spazzmo

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

San Diego, CA

Brotherhood Of Sacred Steel [BOSS]


Drat. That's what I thought. Well hey, thanks a ton for your swift reply!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Altho u dont get skills as quest reward in nightfall and factions, theres 1 thing u can do to speed up skill unlocking in nightfall: as soon as u get a hero skill point, spend it at a hero skill trainer and u will learn the skill if your profession matches the skil u got at the hero skill trainer.

Cpt. Spazzmo

Cpt. Spazzmo

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

San Diego, CA

Brotherhood Of Sacred Steel [BOSS]


Does anyone else know of more tricks like the one above?

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Generally I'd 1st go through Prophecies and get all the free skills, then go to the Nightfall Hero Skill Trainers for those, anything left over go and buy.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Well, it isn't really a secret because most people know about it, but there are those selected few that don't. Of course, there are certain skills that you can only get at later Skill Trainers in the game. If you want access to them sooner, just rack up some Balthazar points (by doing some PvP or AB), go to the Priest of Balthazar and unlock the skill. You will now be able to go to ANY skill trainer from that campaign and buy it.

Example: Mending Touch - obtainable from Skill Trainer in Gate of Torment
Do some RA/TA/AB and get 1000 Balthazar Points. Go to Priest and unlock skill. Go to Kamadan's skill trainer and buy it.

Like I said, 99% of people know the "trick", but there is that 1% that don't

But on a side note......I wish they would bring back skills as rewards. This 1k per skill really adds up.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Even better c_ras, if you buy the PvP unlock packs, ALL skills for that campaign will be available at the first skill trainer you come across

Cpt. Spazzmo

Cpt. Spazzmo

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

San Diego, CA

Brotherhood Of Sacred Steel [BOSS]


Whoa, yeah, I guess you could say that I'm a BIT behind the times C RAS. That's pretty freakin' cool though, I NEVER would have found that out otherwise.

To Lonesamurai, that would be the quickest way, but I think I would rather actually "earn" the skills rather than shell out another $120 plus. Not that I don't value your input, it's just not easy for me to justify on my budget. Thanks though.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Not only the PvP thing, but the PvP training stuff gives faction too. From the main temple of Balthazar go into the training area with the dummies and priests. At the entrance there is a priest that will allow you to "train" against computer AI (a monk, warrior, elementalist, and a ranger) - you will also eventually get to him if you follow the quest given in that area.

It is repeatable but capped at 2000 faction per day - it takes me roughly 15 minutes to get that. If you continue on you eventually get to the zaishen elite - it is capped at 1000 faction per consecutive win with a max of 6000 faction (this faction also includes the 2000 from the other). So if you die on the 7'th consecutive win it may take a few runs through 6 mins to get all 6000 faction as once you go past 5k faction you will no longer gain faction until your 6'th consecutive win (even though you aren't at the full cap of the day).

The first AI matches in the training area are much faster than RA or AB, just you can only get two regular unlocks a day with it. For those of us that just want to unlock skills we do not use (no hurry, just spend a few minutes at the beginning of a gaming session) or just want a late game skill or two available early but hate real PvP this is nice, easy, and quick.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Even better c_ras, if you buy the PvP unlock packs, ALL skills for that campaign will be available at the first skill trainer you come across
Just to clarify: no elite skills on trainer (but PvP-characters will have them).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Just to clarify: no elite skills on trainer (but PvP-characters will have them).

yep, my bad