Mino Drop Rates?
Just recently (as of 2:45pm today) it seems that when I try farming minos in Elona Reach I'm only get one horn or hide out of all the minos I kill (roughly 20). It used o be that every mino would drop a horn hide gold or item but now nothing drops. Have they recently nerf the drop rate or am I just having really bad luck today?
Imo you are just having a very badlucky streak. Same thing can happen with green items in sorrow's furnace i.e. i got nothing for 2 months and thenthings got back to normal.
The anti-farming code might be kicking in. Go farm somewhere else or do a mission elsewhere for a while and come back later.
its probably anti-farm. they dont change drop rates very often.
Um what exactly is the anti-farming code and where can I read more about it?
Basically, if you keep farming the same mob in the same area, a message will pop up saying the monsters are running out of loot. Basically in order to bring the rate back up, just go somewhere else for a while. Farm a different mob and area or run a mission or two. Here's a thread (current too) on the anti-farming code.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10113177&referrerid=&highlight=an ti+farm+code
Also, excuse the highlighting of the words anti, farming, and code a lot. I copied the URL right when I did a search.
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10113177&referrerid=&highlight=an ti+farm+code
Also, excuse the highlighting of the words anti, farming, and code a lot. I copied the URL right when I did a search.
Thanks alot.
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