Didn't know where else this was appropriate, and it's probably a dumb question anyways... but:
Azukhan Stonewrath (L28 ele boss) in the Altrumm Ruins challenge mission seems to do absurd amounts of damage with his skills.
I have W/D 20, in sentinels armour apart from legs (Glads) and gauntlets (stonefist). This is Kurzick (HZH) pre-NF armour. I have strength 13 so I should benefit from the +20 vs ele damage as well - unless I'm hit purely on my legs or hands I guess. I'm not carrying a shield as I'm using either hammer or scythe. My wife has a W/E 20 with full glads (from before there was a Cantha or NF).
When this guy does a shockwave, I take 3 x 136 damage

So if we assume a 25% damage decrease per 10 armour increase, my wife is taking 75% damage with Glads (80), which would mean, er (fingers blur), 136 damage at armour 60... which means he's casting somewhere around level 18 (listed as 69 damage for us mortals). Which also means her shield isn't coming into play. Probably...
What I don't see is how I can take the 3 x 136... Is Sentinels bugged? Is *my* armour bugged? I'm being dense? Anyone?
And while I'm on the subject, in the triple green drop weekend recently, my Shadow Form (lvl16) regularly dropped me back to 8 and not 53 health...