Puzzled over Boss casting level...

Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win



Didn't know where else this was appropriate, and it's probably a dumb question anyways... but:

Azukhan Stonewrath (L28 ele boss) in the Altrumm Ruins challenge mission seems to do absurd amounts of damage with his skills.

I have W/D 20, in sentinels armour apart from legs (Glads) and gauntlets (stonefist). This is Kurzick (HZH) pre-NF armour. I have strength 13 so I should benefit from the +20 vs ele damage as well - unless I'm hit purely on my legs or hands I guess. I'm not carrying a shield as I'm using either hammer or scythe. My wife has a W/E 20 with full glads (from before there was a Cantha or NF).

When this guy does a shockwave, I take 3 x 136 damage and my wife takes 3 x 102. Now I know Cantha boss skills do double damage, but still... even at a casting level of 20 Shockwave is listed as 75 damage, and that would have to be against armour 60 right? And damage taken doubles every 40 drop in armour, and halves every 40 increase...

So if we assume a 25% damage decrease per 10 armour increase, my wife is taking 75% damage with Glads (80), which would mean, er (fingers blur), 136 damage at armour 60... which means he's casting somewhere around level 18 (listed as 69 damage for us mortals). Which also means her shield isn't coming into play. Probably...

What I don't see is how I can take the 3 x 136... Is Sentinels bugged? Is *my* armour bugged? I'm being dense? Anyone?

And while I'm on the subject, in the triple green drop weekend recently, my Shadow Form (lvl16) regularly dropped me back to 8 and not 53 health...

Ashleigh McMahon

Ashleigh McMahon

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It's naturally for bosses to do damage which matches there levels. I think the reason you got hit that high in comparison to your wifes was because of the mitigation from your legs and gaunts didn't fully absorb as much damage as your sentinel gear would of.

There may be another explanation but I'm just sharing my knowledge with you


Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win


Originally Posted by Ashleigh McMahon
It's naturally for bosses to do damage which matches there levels. I think the reason you got hit that high in comparison to your wifes was because of the mitigation from your legs and gaunts didn't fully absorb as much damage as your sentinel gear would of.

There may be another explanation but I'm just sharing my knowledge with you

Agreed - but my armour at its lowest was as good as my wife's at its best. Apart from the shield.

Now, I don't know how much of your body the shield armour applies to, so it's difficult for me to be sure... but if the damage was taken through the hands then my armour would be 80, vs 96 for my wife. Anywhere else (apart from legs) my armour was better...

So - Shockwave hits through your hands???



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by Mistress Scruff

And while I'm on the subject, in the triple green drop weekend recently, my Shadow Form (lvl16) regularly dropped me back to 8 and not 53 health...
Using an item that has +45hp while enchanted?

Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win


Originally Posted by Saphatorael
Using an item that has +45hp while enchanted?
Could well have been, I was using Rajazan's Fervour and an earth scroll...

Yep - +12 energy +45 hp while enchanted scroll. Interesting.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

I'll be looking soon


In nightfall and factions, damage from bosses is doubled so thats why you take so much damage. That should make the numbers add up.

Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win


Originally Posted by qazwersder
In nightfall and factions, damage from bosses is doubled so thats why you take so much damage. That should make the numbers add up.
Yes I know, that's what I said in the OP. What I was trying to say was that for the skill to do 3x136 damage to an armour 100 warrior, it would have to be doing 3x272 to an armour 60. Ok, halve that for a mortal (136) and cross-check on wiki to find his casting level for Shockwave... At a casting level of 20 (skill level not caster level) it's listed at 75. At casting level 30 it would be maybe 105 if it follows the progression. So he must be casting at a skill level of 40, right? Er...

I was also trying to say - why does it do a guy in 3 x sentinels, and 2 x glads pieces more damage than a guy in all glads... (136 vs 108). If it's just due to the shield it might make sense, if I was taking the damage specifically through a piece of the the glads level armour - i.e. hands or legs that would get coverage from a shield. That would be armour 80 for me without a shield, 96 for a guy in glads with a shield.

OK - I just put on glads on my boots, legs and chest. Put sentinels on my hands rather than Stonefist and left my sentinels helmet on. So, armour on my chest has gone down from 100->80. Armour on my legs has stayed 80, armour on my boots has gone from 100-80. Armour on my head has stayed 100, armour on my hands has gone from 80->100. I'm still not carrying a shield. The damage from Shockwave has gone down from 3x136 - 3x128.

I have just done it again with full sentinels armour - thats 100 vs elemental damage on every body part. Still 3x136 damage. And my wife in glads (80 vs elemental) with a shield (unknown whether that helps vs ele or not) took 108.....

So I still don't understand where/how the damage is being applied and the armour calculated. The figures do not make sense to me at the moment according to the mechanics I have so far understood about the game.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


shockwave does an absurd amount of damage regardless of who casts it, and bosses are known to be able to have 20+ in an attribute and doubled damage. im not surprised at all.

Illithen Firebringer

Illithen Firebringer

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you all have very good points and are probably right but there is one thing that you are probably forgetting: Earth damage ignores most armor. eeven if the spell doens't say that it does, but i think that it has 75% automatic penatration. if you add in this and the double damage, mixed armor, and high level, then you probably have your answer.

Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win


Guys, you're missing the point...

The skill does me 540 damage with no armour, so it should do:
Armour 0: 540
Armour 20: 405
Armour 40: 270
Armour 60: 207.5
Armour 80: 135
Armour 100: 93.75
Armour 120: 62.5

It also means he is casting at level 30 (the skill level, not his)

My wife in Glads + shield & axe (Victos - 96 AL) took 108 damage.
I, in Sentinels no shield (100AL) took 136 damage.
I wasn't weakened, so I wasn't -1 in my attributes and my strength was set at 15 for the last go in any case.
It seems to me that the +20 vs elemental damage just isn't being applied.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

I don't have sentinels, so I can't compare. But without it, I get hit for 102 (80 armor, shield, rune).

Without the shield I take 136, as expected.

It could be a bug.
It could be that Shockwave isn't dealing earth damage.
Sentinels (yours, or general) could be borked.

Best way to test it is to compare against other types of damage, fire or lightning.

I tried equipping a weapon with +7 against elemental, and it did reduce the damage as expected, so shockwave apears to be fine.

Priest Of Sin

Priest Of Sin

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Well, let's take basic play mechanics into effect:

He is level X, he has 24-25 in Earth, and has double damage. So, he is going to harm you. Also, he is a few levels ahead of you. And if the creatures in the game are any consideration, he does a certain percentage more of damage to creatures below his level (just like players do)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

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Shields armor bonus applies to the whole body from any attack.

Also, make sure she doesn't have some type of damage reduction or extra armor on her items or is in a stance that has more armor. Those also cover the entire body

Mistress Scruff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

UK - Bournemouth

Farm For The Win


Originally Posted by strcpy
Shields armor bonus applies to the whole body from any attack.

Also, make sure she doesn't have some type of damage reduction or extra armor on her items or is in a stance that has more armor. Those also cover the entire body
Lisa was using Victos axe and bulwark. The shield has -2 when in stance, but that is, of course, vs physical only. And we have made sure that no stances were being used, just in case...

We also did some informal testing with a guildy in a scrimmage and the results stil showed a problem with my armour. So the title of this thread is now a little misleading.

Anyone else with Sentinels out there fancy giving it a try?


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Dunno if it was mentioned here (didnt read the whole thread) but a boss is lvl 28 and that also increasese the dmg done to lower lvls (you)