Do these type of Guild exist anymore?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Monks Of Ice Nine [ICE]


Back when AoE wasn't nerfed, there was a high demand for strict farming guilds. I was in a Guild called Farmers United for awhile, which focused on perfecting already made farming builds and making/testing new ones for the shear fun of it. After disbanding, I found myself a good group of friends in a mostly PvE Guild on the North American Servers. Though now, I've been having relapses seeing as my good friends from that guild are now quitting. So my question to you is, do these type of guilds exist anymore? Where one farms for themselves, but also farms and tests things for the better of the community? I've been looking for 3 days now, and all the Guilds I've come across are of those who say they are "experienced" in farming, but only know 1 or 2 builds. I mean seriously....what ever happened to the good ol' "Let's try this build and give it a test run, and if that fails, we'll try another!" So I ask of you, are they still around, or am I just horrible at finding these type of Guilds?


Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Well, I don't see much reason to farm anything other than 1 or 2 things at a time. 1 that gives a lot of money (i.e, solo UW), and a couple places to ensure you don't trigger the anti-farming code. I suppose there are people who farm for fun and the challenge (RACTHOH!), but not many.