Collector's Edition

Priest Of Sin

Priest Of Sin

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Sitting upon Kerrigan's Throne.

Live For The Swarm [ZERG]


First off, I already have a Guild Wars account. Now that we've gotten that out of the way...

My account is prophecies+factions+nightfall enabled. Currently, I only have CE nightfall, and would like CE emotes of Proph and Factions. If I buy the CE version of Prophecies and Factions, will I be able to add the extra features to my current account?




Join Date: Jul 2005

Yes, but you won't get any extra character slots or anything. Just the CE bonus featues.

Good luck finding either one. Prophecies versions are rarer than hens teeth.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


prophecys CEs are out there.....just dont die when you see what people want for them (got mine last fall and my first born child has been sold off)....



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Spiral [MYST]


I 'upgraded' my standard nightfall edition with the CE. You will get a warning about haveing the same campaign twice, and a list of what will be added. And if you are sure you want to do that.
Imo too bad you can't reuse the key from the standard version (as you now have two keys, of which one is useless on one account).

Priest Of Sin

Priest Of Sin

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Sitting upon Kerrigan's Throne.

Live For The Swarm [ZERG]


Just got a proph CE on eBay for $75. The idiot didn't put a reserve price on it, so I shot down the previous bidder with 12 seconds to go on the auction xD

Now I just need to get Factions CE...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Getting a factions CE should be fairly easy, there r a few EBgames i visited that still had 1 or 2. And they're definitly available on Ebay for lower prices than a proph CE.