Whats the best common insignia to use?

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

hi guys i wanna know whats the best effective +10 armor insignia to use on all my armor.. is Armor +10 (while attacking) is that good? cuz it sounds good

Thanx for your help.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Which class are you playing?
What is your build?
What area do you intend to play in?
What will your team support be like?
Which chapters do you have?
Which kind of weapons do you use?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Take the insigna that fits the most the kind of weapon, stances, enchantments you use and the type of damage you are more likely to take.

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Antheus
Which class are you playing?
What is your build?
What area do you intend to play in?
What will your team support be like?
Which chapters do you have?
Which kind of weapons do you use?
2. Scythe mast 12+2+1
Earth prayer 3+1
Mystic 12
3.mainly PvE
4.always full team 3 heros and henches
6.i use slash dmg scyth Lyssa's Bedlam

Thanx for your help


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

I prefer health or energy on a dervish.

If you find yourself tanking, you'll be taking on lots of damage anyway and others will need to heal you, and you'll depend on your prot monk anyway.

With that in mind, you'll always rely on enchants to survive, so might as well look into (while enchanted). This also makes sense with regards to various elite skills and forms.

Dervishes are for most part reliant on enchants. They aren't tanks by design. So you should look into increasing your health for higher survivability, energy for more freedom with spells and enchantment bonuses.

You can go with anything - but for general purpose build look into what enhances what you do best. While attacking most likely isn't optimal, since dervishes tend to have slow attack rate.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

There is no "best" in GW, it is all a matter of preference, build or other factors.

I chose +10 AL while enchanted for my dervish, usually have at least 1 up.

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by DeanBB
There is no "best" in GW, it is all a matter of preference, build or other factors.

I chose +10 AL while enchanted for my dervish, usually have at least 1 up.
ok so Blessed insignia is what you recommend?

you think windwalker is not good on each armor? do i get 15 armor if i have 3 ench up?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

The way I normally play dervish I'm constantly putting up and removing enchantments so I figured a "guaranteed" +10 was better than a variable +5-15. Again, it is a matter of preference and play style.

Yes, if the armor piece with windwalker is hit and you have 3+ enchantments on you get +15 armor.

Note that radiant for the energy is not a bad option either. You are in harms way though, thus I opted for the +10 AL.

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by DeanBB
The way I normally play dervish I'm constantly putting up and removing enchantments so I figured a "guaranteed" +10 was better than a variable +5-15. Again, it is a matter of preference and play style.

Yes, if the armor piece with windwalker is hit and you have 3+ enchantments on you get +15 armor.

Note that radiant for the energy is not a bad option either. You are in harms way though, thus I opted for the +10 AL.
Ok thanx! 10AL it is then!



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


You should consider health insignia as some powerfull dervish skills require you to have higher health than foes (Victorious sweep for example ...).

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by zwei2stein
You should consider health insignia as some powerfull dervish skills require you to have higher health than foes (Victorious sweep for example ...).
Yeah that side is covered, +10HP on almost all the armor but chest which I got 15 and all that adds up to 555HP. Its just +10 armor I was missing.. Thanks for your input.