Sundering VS Vampric
Darrk Assassin
I was wondering which one did more damage vampric or sundering? could any help me with that plz
Vampiric mods deal more damage than sundering in term of raw damage. Vampiric mods can be a pain if your attacks dont hit multiple enemies because of the -1 degen effect it as on you (thats just a personnal opinion). Theres a comparison guideon sundering and vampiric mods acessible from this page.
Jaws Of Doom
When possible, both! Equip your sundering when you aren't in combat or at low health so you don't have to worry about the -1 heath degeneration. Then, if you're in combat, and your health is high enough, switch over to your vampiric weapon for the health stealing.
Also of note, what kind of weapon are you using? Vampiric weapons are most effective when you can hit multiple enemies with a single attack, so you may want to use skills like: Barrage, Hundred Blades, Cyclone Axe, or a scythe depending on the what your character uses.
Also of note, what kind of weapon are you using? Vampiric weapons are most effective when you can hit multiple enemies with a single attack, so you may want to use skills like: Barrage, Hundred Blades, Cyclone Axe, or a scythe depending on the what your character uses.
Darrk Assassin
i tried it out with another guy and we both agreed that the sundering had higher hit then the vampric. Same marksmapship, same req. i used drago's (the sundering) and iron wing. I was trying it on my ranger. Using no skills
In terms of DPS, vampiric is better than sundering. In terms of critical hits, sundering wins.
Wrong. You don't have to hit multiple enemies for vampiric to be effective.
Vampiric mods can be a pain if your attacks dont hit multiple enemies because of the -1 degen effect it as on you. |
and as savio said, sundering has a higher crit than vamp, but your DPS is lower with sundering than it is with vamp.
and as savio said, sundering has a higher crit than vamp, but your DPS is lower with sundering than it is with vamp.
It also depends on what and how you play. I wouldn't use vampiric on my paragon as I do a lot of other things besides attacking. If you are pretty much constantly attacking then use Vampiric. It also steals/heals when you wouldn't otherwise do any damage.