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Today, I let my trusting, fun-loving nature get the best of me.
I've been playing Guild Wars off and on for about 18 months now - I'd wager that I have something like 13 months of good, solid playing at this point - and have spent much of that time completely broke, or dirt poor as I like to say.
But it's been fun! So much fun that I've stopped caring about this that or the other item. I've worked for everything that I have. All the armor sets, the neat weapons, the skill captures, and the titles - official or not - that come along with investing so much time in a game.
However, after so much time I recently came upon an inscribable Dwarven Axe. Imagine my surprise when, after so long of find req. 11-13 gold items, 1 shard for every 15 FoW runs, common skins and 1 or 2 black dyes, I should happen to find for myself what I've seen a lot of people calling the second rarest skin next to a Crystalline sword (whether it is or not is not pertinent to this thread)! I was ecstatic. I finally had a way to work towards the higher-end items that I had been pursuing for so long.
So, I made myself a thread here on Guru and started attempting to sell the item in-game as well. For several days I advertised, getting bids of 100 ecto, 130, 140 in-game (though none on the forums, hehe). My dreams of grandeur were large, but they remained over-shadowed by the fact that Guild Wars has always been fun for me - a place where I can relax with friends, etc.
Just a few moments ago, a fellow in Ascalon city showed interest in the item, and wanted to see the skin outside. So outside we went, me wondering if he'd be the one to take the item off my hands - I had no idea how quickly and literally this thought would come to fruition. He saw the skin and enjoyed it very much, saw that it was inscribable and became more interested, and wanted to see the stats. He told me that he couldn't see them in the trade window, which should've been a clue to me that I was about to be ripped, but hey, I'm a trusting guy who just likes to have fun! Money is nice, but fun is much better. I have money in real-life, so what do a few ecto in a game mean to me?
Apparently, not everyone feels the same way. Because of my happiness and trusting nature I told the fellow to walk several yards away while I dropped it really quick for him to take a look at. Unfortunately I didn't see that his secondary was Assassin, and no sooner did I drop the item than he warped forward and grabbed it, leaving the game promptly after.
Yes, I know I'm an idiot. You can trust in the fact that I've drilled that into my head. But I'm not so angry as I am just plain dissapointed.
After so long spent playing this game with friends and having lots of fun just working towards the higher end of things, the fact that someone would just jump up and use the first opportunity to grab what I had luckily stumbled across without know or caring about who I was or what I'd come through up to the point of recieving this item just makes me sad. Not sad because I was back to being broke - it's what I'm used to, afterall - but sad that someone would take their position in a game so seriously that they would use such tactics on a trusting individual like myself to dupe someone out of something so that they could remain a big spender themselves.
I remember the very very first time I had a chance to take something from someone. I was being run to Droknar's Forge by someone who I did not know, me a level 17 warrior at the time and the person level 20, of course. Well, along the way I died, so I could watch the person do their thing, which is mure more exciting than sitting by zones waiting for the next traversal. My corpse was situated just before the Drok's zone, near the res shrine, and right before the person zoned they dropped a gold Crystalline sword to show off to us all. We ooh'd and ahh'd, and then the oddest thing happened. The person got cut off. So we ressed at the shrine and I used my one speed skill to run and grab the item. I whispered the person and returned it to them because, afterall, it's just a game, right?
I just wonder sometimes about the neediness of some people in something so simple as this digital world we all play in. The need to be the biggest spender or at the top item wise. I could ask "why?" but I think I could guess the answers by now, as I've heard them in many games where people interact in real time.
It's very saddening, and because of this and the fact that people everywhere are always scamming I'm taking an indefinite break from Guild Wars. I'll be on for the next few days to chat with guildies and friends, and will be giving away a great many of my items to the honest, deserving people that I do know, and people that I do not know either. Sometimes I have to wonder about the pack-rat behavior of folks that take, take, take mindlessly.