Spirit Targeting
Is there a key you can hit for targeting your spirits?
There isn't a quick command for targeting a specific type of character on the field. I'd check the key mapping options in game and see what is available and what isn't currently being used.
vague question, vague answer: Maybe. If you mean you put spirits down and want them to target a specific foe? Sometimes calling target gets them to target what you want, but they tend to change targets on their own. If you mean for skills which require a target spirit, yes and no... some don't require you to target (sic [wiki]Gaze of Fury[/wiki] which can either target an enemy spirit or your own, not targetting -targets- the nearest just like with death nova). If you are alone, nearest ally and tab through, but I tend to trust Alt-Left Click a little faster for me (I have the run to target/attack target on left click disabled). At least spirits can be seen with alt.