I just wandered trough Shiverpeak, and i came by the arena.
I fought a couple of battles and then i suddenly got above 1 000 factions points and where directed to visist a priest to use it. Well we can buy heroes. i see, but items and skills where only for pvp mode.
Why dont have more items for PVE, not beeing grand and incredible better than other things. but still a bit more special.
Wouldnt it be a bit better to also gain some PVE items, skillls or other special items from faction?
Would be fun to use faction on other things than just pvp things.
Dougal Kronik
I agree!
If I want to unlock any skills for PvP, I'll buy them in an outpost or cap them. I see no reason to use faction, unless it's Luxon or Kurzick for Jadeite and Amber or the title that can be maxed.
If I want to unlock any skills for PvP, I'll buy them in an outpost or cap them. I see no reason to use faction, unless it's Luxon or Kurzick for Jadeite and Amber or the title that can be maxed.
Diddy bow
i dunno about pve stuff ut there needs to be someway for ppl who have ev everthing to use faction
I think it should stay the way it is since you're pvping in order to get the points anyway

We DO have.
You just have to spend the faction in Zaishen keys.
Everything that comes from the Zaishen chest can be used in PvE.
You just have to spend the faction in Zaishen keys.
Everything that comes from the Zaishen chest can be used in PvE.
Also Zkeys are quite valuable (5k ish each atm) and can be sold to buy yourself more pve goodies if you so desire
faction is earned in pvp
you spend it on pvp
sounds quite simple doesn't it?
you spend it on pvp
sounds quite simple doesn't it?