Question about Selling...

Captain Eoin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


I wasn't really sure where to put this, but since its more of a conversation topic than an actual trading topic, I put it here. On many different sites, I see max weapons mods go for 15,000-20,000 gold. An example would be a 20% chance of ______ happening. The near max mods that are 16%-19% of ______ happening are supposed to go for about 1,000-5,0000 gold, but I can never get anyone to buy those (on forums or in game). Do you have any advice for a "good" way to try and sell these mods? I had tried selling them to newer players (not as a scam, only for a couple hundred gold) because I figured they wouldn't have enough gold for full max mods, so they would want close to max mods, but no one really answered my trade requests. Any ideas, or should I just sell them all to the Merchant?

Jaws Of Doom

Jaws Of Doom

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



My advice would be to go to the top of the page, and click on the auctions tab. Create an account, and start some new auctions for the mods you want to sell. Not only will you make a little bit of cash for yourself, but you will also find a home for those mods that you don't want anymore!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I think that there are just a lot of max mods out there now. Here on the guru auction I recently bought some "1 off" mods (sundering 19/20, health 29) and also sold some or tried to sell some. After lowering prices and relisting a number of times I just gave up on the last of them and sold them to the merchant as it was to the point of not being worth the time and effort to sell them so low.

I never buy and sell in towns, only thru the auctions, so don't know how that is working out.

Captain Eoin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


Originally Posted by DeanBB
I think that there are just a lot of max mods out there now. Here on the guru auction I recently bought some "1 off" mods (sundering 19/20, health 29) and also sold some or tried to sell some. After lowering prices and relisting a number of times I just gave up on the last of them and sold them to the merchant as it was to the point of not being worth the time and effort to sell them so low.

I never buy and sell in towns, only thru the auctions, so don't know how that is working out.
Buying and selling towns is pretty useless, at least in my experience. I think I might keep around the "1 off" mods I have and try to sell them, but anything lower than that I think I'll give to the merchant. Thank you to both of you.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007




Those are always hard to sell, but if you really wanna sell those i'd suggest keeping them in your inventory and parying you'll be lucky and see someone advertising to buy one.