The Book of to maximize value?

Cherng Butter

Cherng Butter

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Mirror Of Reason [SNOW]


I'm almost done with Nightfall, and I was curious whether I should sell my Book of Secrets that I earn like it is, or trade it for a higher priced weapon/shield (if the price even increases). I've looked at the price check guide, but is any increase in price overshadowed by the fact that it would be harder to sell a specific item versus the book itself?

And if selling a specific class item is more profitable, which one should I go for? Trying to make a quick buck here



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

How much do you make an hour?

If you'll spend 10 hours spamming to sell a specific item, it's much better to just sell the book.

Warrior weapons, swords or axes usually go for most. But end-game items steadily drop in price, and that won't improve.

But just about everyone knows what end-game items are, and the prices of books. So you won't make much profit, if any at all.

Those items only reached high prices in the beginning, when not many were through the storyline yet.