Guild Wars wont work on connection laptop?
how come it wont work my internet is on and i let my firewall allow..
First thing, try acessing firefox or internet explorer or w/e browser you have. If your internet browser doesnt work then the problem is in your connection. If your browser works, configure your firewall to allow gw.exe as well as the ports needed to play TCP ports 80 and 6112, more info can be found here . Would also help to know what specs your laptop has. Also check your anti-spyware or anti-virus to see if the blocked GW for some weird reason. Also try deactivating your firewall completely especially if its nortron internet security, lots of ppl seem to have problems with nortron and GW. Your firewall might also not recognise GW if you updated it which case GW would have been blocked again.
Umm I dont think its the comp specs because of this comp runs wow fine.. but i dont play wow my cousin does and im usin wireless internet and for some reason it keeps saying i need a internet connection and also my firewall allows it for some reason.