Is this true
Some one told me that you can only change servers 5 times. Is this true?
4 Times Not 5
Yes. And no, there's no way to reset this number.
Being able to change servers anytime you want would only make HA pointless since you could switch to the servers that have favor and be able to go into FoW or UW anytime you want.
Dang so if ur on your last switch and you accidently switch yourself to the wrong server your screwed then huh.
As much as it pains me to say, yes and writing to anet wont change anything about it.
No, I've heard if you get stuck you can email ANET support and get them to swap you back, but it's a one time thing and you won't be able to do it again.
send them a support ticket politely explaining you goofed and would like a one way trip home.
no refusals so far but it is a one time courtesy switch
Man that would suck if they denied it, you would be stuck there and have no clue what ppl are saying.
Yeah they swop you over, but are very very very stern at pointing out that they will never do it again, so choose wisely. They should make a way to get more, i dunno like buy them or reset them every year or so, abit like WoW...