Me and a friend are attempting to get all of the 'Protector of' titles. We both have Tyria, he has Cantha, and I'm only missing Gyala Hatchery Masters. We pull the 'go around the back' strategy to kill the Kurzicks, and then we return and attempt to protect the turtles. We are doing this with just us and heroes. Twice we've failed. He even tried getting a bonder hero but it just wasn't fast enough. We used the canisters, but there are just too many Kurzick warriors. We're about to try again. He changed from SF nuking to air spike/blinder and I'm bringing Ward Against Melee.
Please offer help if you are able.
Protecting multiple AI
Zeek Aran
MMs make the world go round. Get one. They're great for drawing aggro and having 10 extra little helpers running around.