How does owning outposts work


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

can someone give me a good explanation of how it works?

im in an alliance that has about 10mil alliance kurzick faction but we dont own any of the outposts even though some of them have only like 7mil.

or is it only your OWN guild's faction points and not your alliance's.




Join Date: Jul 2005

It's Alliance based. But if the other faction has control of more towns there can be alliances with lower totals in control. If the luxon have pushed well into Kurzik territory's very possible to have sub 5 million alliances in control.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

New Zealand


youd probably need anet to explain or somone with a big group of friends who are willing to farm certain amounts of factions and do experiments with it but i doubt people would do that just to see how it works



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

You sure you dont own a town..As you dont pick to own 1..when u got the faction you automaitcly own it.

whats your alliance called? (the leading guild)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

thanks guys for the input.

the alliance leader is legacy of angels[halo] and our alliance currently has 9.5 mil the last time i checked.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Legacy Of Angels [Halo]


Hi there Hungraa...I'm leader of Legacy Of Angels [Halo] and today we are at 12 mil faction. Currently we are the 3rd largest alliance and yes we own a city~Amatz Basin. Amatz is far to the south of Vasburg and if you need run from Vasburg Armory ask your guild or an alliance member. If that doesn't work then add Mantra Of Red to your friends list and I will run you to our city.

The reason we have a city so far out there is because Amatz almost never gets taken by the luxons (I've never seen it).

Top Alliance = House Zu Helzer
2nd = Altrumm
3rd = Amatz
4th = Tanglewood
5th = St. Anjekas
6th = Lutgardis
7th = Brauer
8th = Vasburg
9th = Durheim

From 9 to 1 is the order the luxons take over also which is why Anet controls ownership this way.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Legacy Of Angels [Halo]


What guild are you in by the way? Halo alliance was formed out of 3 alliances merging and there has been a huge guild turnover. 5 days ago Halo was just into 5 mil and today we are at 12 mil. I know 3 Alliances disbanded with the top guilds merging under us. I think our alliance has gone through 9 guilds so far with all the merging, etc... We are pushing for Altrumm ownership and 2nd place. Halo itself retained 3 guilds, TLK joined and retained 2, 1 VBN guild joined, DoA disbanded and merged with 1 guild.