What do you guys do with your mediocre weapon upgrades?
I have 28 weapon upgrades that I want to get rid of right now, the only one worth while is a Vamp Bowstring 5/-1. Everything else ranges from Fire Axe Hafts, to lightning hilts, to random armor upgrades... I have no idea what to do with all of them, I would feel stupid selling them all to the merchant because some of them could be worth 500-1000g depending on who would want them. So I was just curious what you do with your unwanted upgrades...
Unwanted gets dropped on the ground, or dumped at the merchant. Unless it's a gold item I never even bother to pick it up, so that eliminates a lot of the clutter.
I check the Buy-forum over here if anyone wants them, and then sell off the excess unless the mod is something worth holding onto. Pretty much only max upgrades or very close to max are ever worth anything, plus vampiric and zealous mods. Sometimes I give my excess mods away for free to players who haven't progressed far in the game yet.
The amount of money you get out of mods all depends on how much time you're willing to spend selling them.
Sometimes you get lucky with a mod that you'd normally never manage to sell, if just the right person looking for a mod like that comes along.
The amount of money you get out of mods all depends on how much time you're willing to spend selling them.

i just sell em all in a big load for about 10k ussually theres a buyer if theres not dont waste your time just when your in a town just advertise it if no buyers just dont bother just keep doing that
i ussualy merch them kind of items, only ever sell things that are easy to sell, no one really wants the ele dmg hilts etc
My crappy upgrades go to my heroes. They aren't gonna complain that their stuff is imperfect.
Lots of people have Weapon Mod sales. Just advertise that you've got lots of weapons mods for sale in one of the market town. I'd also put an ad in the Party formation window for a specific item, such as the 5/1 vamp bow string. (People DO look in there when they're in the mood to buy stuff)
I have a storage character to hold any mods that I might want to use in the future (elemental, perfect fortitudes, perfect vamps, etc.) The rest get dumped on the merchant or to hero weapons if they are decent. (I usually don't even try to salvage a mod unless its worth keeping or selling though)
Originally Posted by Savio
My crappy upgrades go to my heroes. They aren't gonna complain that their stuff is imperfect.
What do you do with the runes? I've got lots of runes and it seems to be hard to sell them to other players. Should I just sell them to the Rune merchant?
Originally Posted by Savio
My crappy upgrades go to my heroes. They aren't gonna complain that their stuff is imperfect.

For runes - I use whatever I can to improve myself or my heros, then I check the rune trader to see if they are worth anything, then I either sell them to the rune trader or the merchant, depending on who offers more. (Sometimes I keep Superior runes on a storage character in case I want to use something different one day)
Honestly, it simply takes too much time to try to market items that fetch less than 1K on the market. In the time you spend trying to sell it, you could've made that much money by just playing the game.
Just merchant them, IMO.
Just merchant them, IMO.
With elemental weapon mods normally I try and make a weapon for a specific Place/Mission. Incase of other mods like +20% skeletonslaying i use that one when i go to FoW.
1) Runes go to heroes, unless they can be sold for 1p or more.
2) Mods go on heroes too. If they're worth > 1p I sell them on gwguru auction.
3) If none of my heroes need the item, then I ask my guild if anyone wants it. If not, I sell it to the merchant.
2) Mods go on heroes too. If they're worth > 1p I sell them on gwguru auction.
3) If none of my heroes need the item, then I ask my guild if anyone wants it. If not, I sell it to the merchant.
Spam Guild and Local chat for a minute, if not, merch. Runes generally sell to guild, and semi good upgrades in local.
Hmm, I just got Nightfall two days ago and I keep forgetting that I can upgrade heroes' equipment. Before I just sold mediocre upgrades to the merchant, but now they have more useful places to go. Thanks
At which point do you all declare them crap?
What I mean is, if you've got a sword upgrade that gives +13^50, would you dump this or try to sell it to other players? Is 13 as low as you'd go or is it 14, 15? Unless it's max I really can't be arsed trying to sell it. Is it worth me doing so though and at what level should I set the cut off?
What I mean is, if you've got a sword upgrade that gives +13^50, would you dump this or try to sell it to other players? Is 13 as low as you'd go or is it 14, 15? Unless it's max I really can't be arsed trying to sell it. Is it worth me doing so though and at what level should I set the cut off?
I wouldn't bother selling a mod on the market unless it was perfect or one-off at best.