I. The Mannai - For the skimmer: concept art, a quick explanation of the basic concept, attributes, strengths, weaknesses and originality.
II. Tactics - For those with some time on their hands, a brief illustration of a few battle strategies.
III. Skills - For the ambitious reader, a tentative list of skills.

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The Mannai are an order of mystics that worships magic above all else. Unlike other mages whose talents are gifts from the gods, the Mannai work feverishly to unlock secrets of the supernatural on their own. Through intense study, the Mannai have mastered great power, but at a price. Their dedication has corroded into an all-consuming obsession. Entranced by sorcery, they constantly crave its most raw and potent form: mana. In the desperate hunt to feed their addiction, the Mannai resort to predation. By stealthily leeching onto other spellcasters, they engorge themselves off of magical activity, stealing mana from their unsuspecting prey in the process.
The Mannai is a concealable unit which steals energy from enemy spellcasters. She extends ally spellcasters' range and allows single-target offensive spells to be relayed to up to three foes. Being targeted by any energy-based skill increases the Mannai's energy stores. The Mannai may also sustain allies' energy very effectively.
The Mannai has the lowest armor in the game; a maximum of 50 compared to the Elementalist's 60. She has no weapons per se. Instead, she fires costless magical projectiles from her fingertips. To enhance these attacks, the Mannai embeds arcane gems in her gloves (one on each hand) which affect the amount and type of damage. Each projectile deals a maximum of 6-10 damage and has a refire rate of two seconds. Despite their low damage and slow recharge, the magical projectiles have two major advantages: they have the fastest flight time of any ranged weapon in the game and they can deal any type of damage.
Rapacity (Primary Attribute) – Improves a variety of links and link-related hexes as well as determining the energy gain (1…4) from being targeted by energy-based skills.
Sorcery – Affects self-help skills, many of which are dependent upon links.
Assistance – Manages skills which sustain allies’ energy, many of which are dependent upon links.
Predation – Improves stealth, damage-dealing skills, and the damage of magical projectiles.
1) The Mannai lessens enemy spellcasters’ effectiveness.
2) The Mannai extends ally spellcasters’ range.
3) The Mannai maintains allies’ energy.
4) The Mannai allows single-target offensive spells to hit multiple enemies.
5) The Mannai gains energy by being the target of energy-based skills.
6) The Mannai may conceal herself from view.
1) The Mannai is the weakest character in the game. However, to be effective she must remain close to enemies at all times.
There are three main innovations with this class. The first is Camouflage. Simply put, Camouflage is a condition which renders the affected character invisible and untargetable when outside of another player's aggro circle. There is no indicator of the player on the compass. If a Camouflaged player enters the aggro circle she is targetable, but remains invisible. If the Camouflaged character attacks or is attacked, the condition ends. All Camouflage skills have at least a two-minute recharge.
The Link
The second innovation with this class is the link, which is essentially a maintained hex (an unexplores spell type so far). Succinctly put, a link does two things: 1) it allows single-target offensive spells to hit multiple enemies, and 2) it extends ally spellcasters’ range. To initiate and maintain a link, the Mannai must be in the area of her target. Links allow allies to target the Mannai, relaying offensive spells through her to linked opponents. Spells can be transmitted through up to three links (at a 40% spell cost to the Mannai’s energy stores for each snare).
Conceivably, having a cheap spell relayed through her links could actually create energy for the Mannai; at a cost of 40% of a 5 energy spell (2 energy), and a benefit of 4 energy return for the relay, the Mannai could earn 2 points of energy off of each link if she has maximum Sorcery. At the same level of Sorcery with 10 energy cost spells relaying through her links, the Mannai would break even. Any spell with a higher cost would deplete energy from the Mannai’s mana bar.
Magical Projectiles
As stated above, these gem-powered "weapons" do not deal much damage nor do they fire very often. Despite their apparent weakness, magical projectiles are incredibly versatile. Firstly, they deal a wide variety of types of damage. There are projectiles available which deal Elemental damage, Physical damage, Skill-only damage (Holy and Shadow), and Weapon-only damage (Light, Dark, and Chaos). Secondly, they have the fastest flight time in the game, making them very accurate. Thirdly, and most importantly, magical projectiles are the only true dual-wielding weapons in the game. Unlike Assassins' daggers which come in pairs, the Mannai can freely mix and match the vast array of gems available to them.
Enemy Spellcaster Disabler:
The Mannai is most effective when attacking enemy spellcasters. She first engages a Camouflage enchantment, allowing her to walk the battlefield unnoticed. Upon reaching the backlines, she sets to work. Linking herself to enemy spellcasters with her Rapacity attribute, she renders the opponents ineffective by leeching energy off of their magical activity. Once aware of her presence, enemies begin to attack the Mannai. Unfortunately for them, being the target of energy-based skills only increases the Manni's energy stores further.
Now with a steady supply of energy from her links and her enemies' offensive spells, the Mannai may spam self-sustaining spells and enchantments. Alternatively, she may flee, concealing herself from view once again. Still alive, the Mannai has distracted enemy spellcasters from the main fray, allowing her melee teammates to slaughter the enemy fighters.
Energy Support:
An alternative tactic is to remain closer to the main fray. With both allies and enemies in close proximity, it is a prime opportunity for the Mannai to energize her teammates and make her enemies less effective. Linking herself to enemy fighters, she leeches mana from their energy-based skills. The links supply the Mannai with a steady source of mana which she may then use to supply energy to her allies (using Assistance skills). This allows allies to spam energy-based skills. If her presence becomes too threatening, and she becomes the target of attacks, the Mannai may Camouflage and run away.
Mana Leech - Hex. While you maintain this link, you suffer one pip of energy degeneration and target foe’s spells cost 5…25% more. You steal this excess energy. If target foe leaves range, the link ends. You lose 20…10 energy when this link ends.
Debilitating Snare - Hex. While you maintain this link, you suffer one pip of energy degeneration and steal 1…5 energy for each spell cast by target opponent. If target foe leaves range, the link ends. You lose 5 energy when this link ends.
Engorge - Hex. For 8...25 seconds, target linked foe's skills cost 5...25% more energy. You steal excess energy.
Augmentation – Enchantment. While you maintain this enchantment on target ally, you suffer one pip of energy degeneration. Every offensive spell used by that ally is relayed through your links.
Hex Transfer - Spell. Transfer one hex from yourself to target linked foe.
Spell Stealer - Signet. Spell Stealer is replaced by target's next used skill for 5...15 seconds.
Nurturing Web – Enchantment. For each link maintained, you gain 1 pip of health regeneration for 5…10 seconds.
Appropriation - You steal an enchantment and its remaining duration from target enemy. You benefit from its effects for a maximum of 5...15 seconds.
Link Sustenance – Spell. For each link maintained, you gain 8…15 health.
Nourishing Sorcery – Enchantment. For the next 10 seconds, when you are targeted by an energy-based skill, you gain 5…10 health.
Mana Flow – Spell. You steal 2…8 energy from each linked opponent.
Mana Support - Enchantment. While you maintain this enchantment, target ally benefits from +1 energy regeneration and you suffer from -1 energy degeneration.
Ethereal Vine – Enchantment. While you maintain this enchantment, you suffer one pip of energy degeneration and every time a linked opponent uses a spell, target ally gains 5…20% of that spell’s energy cost.
Sustaining Drain – Enchantment. While you maintain this enchantment, linked opponents suffer one pip of energy degeneration. You suffer one pip of energy degeneration for each opponent affected. Target ally gains one pip of energy regeneration for each opponent affected.
Mana Boost - Spell. For each linked opponent, target ally gains 3...7 energy.
Stalk – Elite Enchantment. For 15…30 seconds, you are camouflaged.
Lurk – Enchantment. For 10…20 seconds you are camouflaged and suffer 1 pip of energy degeneration.
Abscond – Enchantment. For 10…20 seconds you are camouflaged and move 40% slower.
Silent Hunter – Enchantment. For 5…15 seconds, you are camouflaged.
Rabid Pursuit – Enchantment. For 3…10 seconds, you are camouflaged and move 40% faster.
*** To give credit where it's due, System_Crush has really helped out with this one. Most notably, he's contributed some awesome skills, helped tailor the Mannai's balance issues, and suggested sustained hexes (a great idea which he picked up from a long-lost thread at some point). Actionjack's Spell Binder/Weaver provided inspiration for the links. BahamutKaiser really helped rewire links and the primary attribute. On the "Things Missing from Existing Professions Thread," draxynnic posted the best Stealth idea I've seen to date. My Camouflage is based upon his idea. I'd especially like to thank jademonkeyx88... he brings the Mannai to life with his amazing artwork. Finally, I perused the "Create a Skill" thread and used some offers as inspiration (Although who I am specifically indebted to, I can't recall. Please tell me if you see your skills.).
Like what you see? Check out my CC Laboratory for more examples of my work. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!