Hi Group, just kinda new to Guild Wars and am loving it.. wanted to start collecting Green Weapons but have been to the same Boss 4 times and he still has not droped a Green Weapon, then tride another Boss and was same. How often do they drop Green Wepons? Does it have to be i a quest for them to Drop them? Or is it just very ramdom and luck?
Thanks for any help.
Khan Sanyasi
Green Weapons Question
Marty Silverblade
It's just random. Keep in mind bosses won't always drop greens, and henchmen take their share of the drops.
The drop chance is shard with your party, if you go out with 8 people, you all have 1/8th of the base chance to get it. If you go out with hench or heroes its the same, but it won't show if it drops for them.
The base rate? Who knows, i've soloed certain bosses 20+ times and still haven't got it, and others i've had the thing drop 3 times in a row! Keep trying, and reduce your party number, or solo if you really want it/can
The base rate? Who knows, i've soloed certain bosses 20+ times and still haven't got it, and others i've had the thing drop 3 times in a row! Keep trying, and reduce your party number, or solo if you really want it/can

Tetris L
The green drop of most bosses seems to be around 5-10% (my personal estimate, I may be wrong). With a party of 8 that would mean your chance of getting the drop is around 1%, which means you have to do an average of 100 runs to be successful. Even if you go solo you'll still have to do more than 10 runs average. Unless you're one of thise lucky bastards who always seem to get the green after 2 or 3 runs.

Wait a minute, what level are you? What lvl of bosses are you fighting and what/which campaign(s) do you have. In Prophecies, you won't find any green drops in the early goings.
To get Falaharn's Split Chakrams( green daggers ) took me 7 solo runs until he dropped them. Don't give up until they drop them and goodluck

It is total random - Here is my example many months ago they had a triple drop weekend in Factions 3 times the chance to get a green. I got probably 10 greens with 5 man team of henchmen and probably took 5 hours of green farming. Two weekends ago they had the same event I Farmed solo (Flagging henchmen away) for 6 hours and did not get a single green not a single one. The day after the event I went out with a team of 8 looking to cap a skill and the boss dropped it first time.