Sarad Long Sword skin
Does anyone know if the Long Sword crafted by Sarad in Droks is the nice, long skin? I don't want to pay 5k for it only to find out that it uses the Rinblade or Shortsword skin.
All crafter swords in Tyria produce the short sword skin.
i personally love the shortsword skin but thats just me.
Cow Tale
wasting 5k on a crafter sword to see what it looks lieke is definately not worth the 10 minutes it takes to accumulate 5k.
You can select it on the menu and see the slightly larger icon at the bottom of the crafter window - its enough to show you the difference between a true longsword and a shortsword and rinblade.
But yeah, pretty sure all crafted swords in Tyria are shortsword skin, and all collector swords in Tyria are rinblade skin. :P
But yeah, pretty sure all crafted swords in Tyria are shortsword skin, and all collector swords in Tyria are rinblade skin. :P
The one craftable in Droknars has the appearance of a Gladius.
the "nice long" skin cannot be crafted