I did a search and didnt find this specific one posted, but someone might have had a different name for it.
So, i was playing one of my old school RPG's called Nox and got an idea for GW, those of you who have played Nox probably wont have to read any farther than this.
Main Idea:
A Conjurer is much like our current Rangers. Whats the difference? Conjurers rather than "Charm" a pet can "Summon" other creatures to do there bidding. Much like a Necromancer with its undead minions however, the Conjurer would be summoning creatures that would normally be hostile towards us in the wild. ie: Skale, Charr, Tengu, Spiders, etc.
Weapon Type:
Crossbows (Two handed, does a bit more damage than a Ranger's bow, however with a longer reload time.) Though the Conjurer can use weapons, much like an Elementalist, it will rely on its spells/minions to do damage.
Attributes/Skill Types:
Melandru's Blessing-
This would enhance skills that somewhat of a mix between a Ranger and a Necromancer. Majority of skills would cause conditions such as Disease, Blindness, Health Steal (Vampirism), Incendiary, etc.
Dwayna's Blessings-
This would enhance skills of the Conjurer that allow it to heal it's creatures, itself, and remove conditions. (basically a monk but not nearly as strong)
Pretty self explanatory. The higher this attribute is the stronger any Crossbow skills are and allow use of better crossbows.
Beast Knowledge-
This would function much like a Necromancers Death Magic attribute in that the higher the level, the stronger and more variety of creatures are available for the Conjurer to summon.
Around the same if not a little less than a Ranger.
I find it hard to believe that NO ONE has anything to say about this.
First of all, you've only waited an hour and a half. Secondly, there's not much detail to discuss. Thirdly, there's nothing majorly innovative about this class (with the possible exception of summoned minions). Fourthly, about five inches below this post is another one by Alaris which improves on the previous two points.
Make this class innovative, not just a rehashing of existing skills. Add details. Attach a cool identity. Then you might get more responses.
Make this class innovative, not just a rehashing of existing skills. Add details. Attach a cool identity. Then you might get more responses.
If you were expecting an immediate response than you should chat with someone about it, not write on the forums. Besides, you wouldn't like the response we would give anyway, just don't ask for it.
I played Nox befoe.. but its not a memorible game...
I think there is a good place for a summoner class in game, but they need to be differnt enough. Yours is not bad of start, but could use more development.
I also want to write a Conjurer.... but like much everything.. havn't got around to it...
I think there is a good place for a summoner class in game, but they need to be differnt enough. Yours is not bad of start, but could use more development.
I also want to write a Conjurer.... but like much everything.. havn't got around to it...
Actualy to the 2 that posted above...this thread was started on February 6th, today happens to be the 11th...hardly an hour and a half dont you think?
His right^^.
Nebojat just checked the Time but not Date.
Nebojat just checked the Time but not Date.
My bad! Sorry for the rudeness. But my original response minus the time comment still stands.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
If you were expecting an immediate response than you should chat with someone about it, not write on the forums. Besides, you wouldn't like the response we would give anyway, just don't ask for it.
Sorry for my lack of creativity, but again this is my first time posting something like this.
If i'm not mistaken isnt this forum for collaborating on idea for new professions? So how about yall help me with the layout of this one?
Actionjack- When did you play Nox? before or after EA Games took over? Because before EA took it, it was impossible to find an empty server online, then ea took it and the servers disappeared. There was even a petition for them to make a Nox 2...no idea what happened to it though.
Nox was pretty lame, it was like D&D, the only thing decent at the time, but nothing special.
Anyhow, Since your new and I don't want to kick you in the teeth, here is some learning material to draw from. The sum of human knowledge is learning from your predecessors and than moving to the next level, trying to recreate the wheel is kind of dumb.
Unique Abilities.
And if you want some extra ciricular reading, you can read my Shinobi and Dragon idea. Although Shinobi is outdated, and Dragon is exotic, they may not be helpful to you since it takes a great deal of effort to develope that kind of stuff.
Now if you wan't to pull stuff out of thin air and hope for a good response, have at it, but don't be surprized when you get the same response.
Anyhow, Since your new and I don't want to kick you in the teeth, here is some learning material to draw from. The sum of human knowledge is learning from your predecessors and than moving to the next level, trying to recreate the wheel is kind of dumb.
Unique Abilities.
And if you want some extra ciricular reading, you can read my Shinobi and Dragon idea. Although Shinobi is outdated, and Dragon is exotic, they may not be helpful to you since it takes a great deal of effort to develope that kind of stuff.
Now if you wan't to pull stuff out of thin air and hope for a good response, have at it, but don't be surprized when you get the same response.