Event idea: make DOA DOAble
I figure this won't be popular for the super leet, but I'd like to see DOA toned down, to somewhere between SF and Deep/Urgoz difficulty.
Though a weekend wouldn't be enough, for what I've heard about how long it takes to beat Mallyx/get Razah. Maybe a week with the bracketing weekends.
To cheer up the leet, make the gemstones non-transferrable (as in can't sell them).
It disappoints me to no small degree that this area requires such tweaked-out builds, virtually requiring teamspeak/vent, and no heroes, that it prevents most of us from even getting through the first mob. And for those who can prevail, it's mind-numbing length and narrow builds that require repeating the exact same sequence over and over, that the fun factor is totally lost.
How to do this: just lower the levels of monsters, thin the herds a bit, and nerf the area effects some.
Though a weekend wouldn't be enough, for what I've heard about how long it takes to beat Mallyx/get Razah. Maybe a week with the bracketing weekends.
To cheer up the leet, make the gemstones non-transferrable (as in can't sell them).
It disappoints me to no small degree that this area requires such tweaked-out builds, virtually requiring teamspeak/vent, and no heroes, that it prevents most of us from even getting through the first mob. And for those who can prevail, it's mind-numbing length and narrow builds that require repeating the exact same sequence over and over, that the fun factor is totally lost.
How to do this: just lower the levels of monsters, thin the herds a bit, and nerf the area effects some.
Ok, for one, the Domain of Anguish IS NOT tough. You just have to be a competent Guild Wars player to succeed. Honestly, give the same set of skills to maybe 4/5 people only 1 person would know how to run them the right way.
The "time" it takes supposably, is time very well spent I'd have to say. I've made close to 2 mil gold from playing in the Domain of Anguish, made friends, XP, and LB points, not to mention good drops. If you really want Razah that bad, then you should have to patience enough to do the missions and get gems.
On your note about gems not being transferable, that's like making Ecto's or something non transferable.
The "narrow" builds do exactly what they are supposed to do, get the job done. I've done both City and Gloom tonight, like I do everynight, and I haven't had to use TS or Vent since this weekend when I was rolling with my guild. I still find it very fun, when encountering huge mobs, and seeing them all die because of all the meteor showers.
In an overall response to your idea, the level of the enemies don't need to be lowered nor does the difficulty. The Domain of Anguish stands up for its name, an Elite Mission, that requires skill and a "little" bit of thinking to get through.
The "time" it takes supposably, is time very well spent I'd have to say. I've made close to 2 mil gold from playing in the Domain of Anguish, made friends, XP, and LB points, not to mention good drops. If you really want Razah that bad, then you should have to patience enough to do the missions and get gems.
On your note about gems not being transferable, that's like making Ecto's or something non transferable.
The "narrow" builds do exactly what they are supposed to do, get the job done. I've done both City and Gloom tonight, like I do everynight, and I haven't had to use TS or Vent since this weekend when I was rolling with my guild. I still find it very fun, when encountering huge mobs, and seeing them all die because of all the meteor showers.
In an overall response to your idea, the level of the enemies don't need to be lowered nor does the difficulty. The Domain of Anguish stands up for its name, an Elite Mission, that requires skill and a "little" bit of thinking to get through.

brandon, I have no doubt that it's fairly easy -- for you. You've obviously spent a lot of time getting in practice with the required builds, networked with people like you, and know all the quirks and exploits (for lack of a better word).
I'm just saying I'd like it to be doable for more casual gamers -- not noobs, people who can't follow directions, don't understand aggro, etc, but those who have a solid understanding of the game mechanics but haven't dedicated large amounts of their playing time in unravelling the peculiarities and difficulties of DOA.
I'm just saying I'd like it to be doable for more casual gamers -- not noobs, people who can't follow directions, don't understand aggro, etc, but those who have a solid understanding of the game mechanics but haven't dedicated large amounts of their playing time in unravelling the peculiarities and difficulties of DOA.
It's called an Elite Mission for a reason. It wasn't meant to be easily beaten, nor should it be.
If you don't enjoy doing it the way it is and want razah, then buy the gems. You can get a full set for around 150k now, which is easy enough to get by farming FoW and UW, or any other area for that matter.
I don't want to sound like an elitist. If someone wants to try to do DoA as it is I am more than willing to help, but I do not think that it should be made easier.
It's called an Elite Mission for a reason. It wasn't meant to be easily beaten, nor should it be.
If you don't enjoy doing it the way it is and want razah, then buy the gems. You can get a full set for around 150k now, which is easy enough to get by farming FoW and UW, or any other area for that matter.
I don't want to sound like an elitist. If someone wants to try to do DoA as it is I am more than willing to help, but I do not think that it should be made easier.
Finally got an Elite mission in the game. It is very doable. kthxbai
Finally got an Elite mission in the game. It is very doable. kthxbai
It's been shown on various occasions that DoA is not that hard.
It just takes a good team and determination.
It just takes a good team and determination.
As stated before, it is an elite mission, and not supposed to be easy. Keep trying.
The only thing hard about DoA is the fact that some missions take longer than others. An experienced group can do Ravenheart Gloom in 30 - 45 minutes, which is really fast.
Areas like The Foundry take at least 2 hours, because of the number and toughness of the monsters, but IT IS doable.
Monsters are a joke. The only thing hard about them is that sometimes they don't pull right, which will take a little longer. Foundry can tell you about this.
Learn your build better, get Vent/TS.
Areas like The Foundry take at least 2 hours, because of the number and toughness of the monsters, but IT IS doable.
Monsters are a joke. The only thing hard about them is that sometimes they don't pull right, which will take a little longer. Foundry can tell you about this.
Learn your build better, get Vent/TS.
Horseman Of War
in response to the 284th thread about this:
ok running oft and depending on hapless nukers and impatient monks isnt exactly the most fun way to finish this mission. oft is very boring.
nerfing doa would cause me, personally, to run them all with heros... you wouldnt need to 'weaken' the mobs or 'thin' them.. either one of those would make this whole elite mission just another challenge mission that I can solo to get my ppz some slammin armor...
customizing gemstones is also probably one of the worst ideas ever.
Urgoz, officially, is the one and only single map I have never been to in my guild wars career. deep is not that hard, finding people who shut up and listen is, but not the deep itself. actually, Im going to say that holds true for all 3 games' elite missions. id put fow and UW in this category, but who needs a group for those places...?
ok running oft and depending on hapless nukers and impatient monks isnt exactly the most fun way to finish this mission. oft is very boring.
nerfing doa would cause me, personally, to run them all with heros... you wouldnt need to 'weaken' the mobs or 'thin' them.. either one of those would make this whole elite mission just another challenge mission that I can solo to get my ppz some slammin armor...
customizing gemstones is also probably one of the worst ideas ever.
Urgoz, officially, is the one and only single map I have never been to in my guild wars career. deep is not that hard, finding people who shut up and listen is, but not the deep itself. actually, Im going to say that holds true for all 3 games' elite missions. id put fow and UW in this category, but who needs a group for those places...?
Yes it's doable (for everything that isn't Mesmer, Paragon, Dervish and Assassin).
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
brandon, I have no doubt that it's fairly easy -- for you. You've obviously spent a lot of time getting in practice with the required builds, networked with people like you, and know all the quirks and exploits (for lack of a better word).
I'm just saying I'd like it to be doable for more casual gamers -- not noobs, people who can't follow directions, don't understand aggro, etc, but those who have a solid understanding of the game mechanics but haven't dedicated large amounts of their playing time in unravelling the peculiarities and difficulties of DOA. |
A team of 8, with brains, can do any of these missions. One weak player means your team is going to fail. If your tank is bad, you fail. If your bonder is bad, you fail. If your SB is bad, you fail. If your Elementalists/Damage deals don't understand how aggro works, you WILL FAIL!
JOIN A DOA GUILD THAT KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Try it once or twice. It's NOT HARD. They made it for people with skill, and people who put in effort. If you can't beat the missions, go do the story line, because they are geared more toward your level of playing.
If anything, they should make it harder. GG
People complained that Canthan Elite Missions were too easy, and now they complain that DoA is too hard. Mallyx has even been defeated with Heroes, so I don't see how anybody can call that feat difficult. I have done a few areas with random people, and we haven't used any voice communications software (it's a shame I didn't get any good drops out of it, but that's life). Anyway, as most people can probably have foreseen just by looking at my signature...
Well, I'm here to voice my opinion as someone who definitely is not an Elite player. I havent' finished NF, so I've never seen the Domain of Anguish. However I'll take your word for it - It's hard!!
A lot of stuff in this game is difficult for me. I've only been playing for about 6 months. There are few areas that I can solo. I can't run people to Lion's Arch from Ascalon without dying multiple times. I can't achieve Masters on most Canthan missions with a full team of henchies. I need a solid group of intelligent humans helping me.
Do I want the developers to make the content easier, so that I can achieve these goals? NOPE! There should always be content in the game that I find challenging, maybe even impossible to finish at my current skill level. If everything were easy the game would quickly get boring. I need some "just outta reach" goals to strive for in the game to keep my interest.
If everyone on the boards was complaining that the Domain of Anguish content is just too hard, then I'd agree and support your suggestion, but obviously there are plenty of folks out there who can finish the mission with a little effort so I applaud them and I hope to one day join them.
A lot of stuff in this game is difficult for me. I've only been playing for about 6 months. There are few areas that I can solo. I can't run people to Lion's Arch from Ascalon without dying multiple times. I can't achieve Masters on most Canthan missions with a full team of henchies. I need a solid group of intelligent humans helping me.
Do I want the developers to make the content easier, so that I can achieve these goals? NOPE! There should always be content in the game that I find challenging, maybe even impossible to finish at my current skill level. If everything were easy the game would quickly get boring. I need some "just outta reach" goals to strive for in the game to keep my interest.
If everyone on the boards was complaining that the Domain of Anguish content is just too hard, then I'd agree and support your suggestion, but obviously there are plenty of folks out there who can finish the mission with a little effort so I applaud them and I hope to one day join them.
As someone that completely understands the OP's sentiments, I'm with you, it is very frustrating. As a skilled gamer, though, I totally disagree. The only complaint I've had with GW is the elite missions weren't elite. Anyone could do it. FoW is doable with 5 people, UW can be done with 3, or completely with 5. Urgoz and Deep could be done with 6, haven't been there for a while, so I don't know how few can do it now though. Finally, A-Net made a truly elite place.
So yes, it is frustrating, no, don't make it easier. If anything, make UW, DEEP, URGOZ harder. Not FoW, too many noob want their e-bay armor...
So yes, it is frustrating, no, don't make it easier. If anything, make UW, DEEP, URGOZ harder. Not FoW, too many noob want their e-bay armor...
Commander Ryker
It's supposed to be hard, that's the whole point and what makes it fun.
/not signed
/not signed
Originally Posted by Mitchel
Yes it's doable (for everything that isn't Mesmer, Paragon, Dervish and Assassin).
/signed |
Diddy bow
If anet would just have balenced mobs with balenced builds (self heal etc) then builds only certian ppl can play wouldnt be the only things that could complete it. i think if doa was like this (but still as hard) it could benifit all

Oro Mana
rofl mesmers can solo stygian veil
Not A Fifty Five
funnest experience I've ever had was being the only healer city of torque and gloom. For some reason, I couldn't do them with a healer partner >.> <.< goes to show how good the average monk is
oh and DOA is supposed to be impossible. I would rather they made it harder. It's not exactly a required part of the game its just a step up in difficulty from the other elite missions. Luckily, they won't have to make it harder cause of hard mode
Oh and btw, people solo/duo farm every single section of DoA.
funnest experience I've ever had was being the only healer city of torque and gloom. For some reason, I couldn't do them with a healer partner >.> <.< goes to show how good the average monk is

oh and DOA is supposed to be impossible. I would rather they made it harder. It's not exactly a required part of the game its just a step up in difficulty from the other elite missions. Luckily, they won't have to make it harder cause of hard mode

Oh and btw, people solo/duo farm every single section of DoA.
Hell Raiser
I stay away from DoA simply because I wont spend 5 hours running boring builds to get gold when I could do things that are actually fun in this game. I don't need 2 mill gold. I have fun in areas like FoW/UW/SF where there are tons of different builds to choose from and you can create your, instead of running the same cookie cutter every time.
I'm not sure whether it is hard or not, but it takes so much time that I can use to play the game for fun. I'm sure you all have a great time, you're good at your build and like the fact that you don't have to change anything. You never make a mistake because you know how to run your build and don't have to change it.
If you have enough time and enjoy DoA, great for you. Keep enjoying it. If you don't, I suggest staying away from it.
oh and /signed
I'm not sure whether it is hard or not, but it takes so much time that I can use to play the game for fun. I'm sure you all have a great time, you're good at your build and like the fact that you don't have to change anything. You never make a mistake because you know how to run your build and don't have to change it.
If you have enough time and enjoy DoA, great for you. Keep enjoying it. If you don't, I suggest staying away from it.
oh and /signed
I want it easier and to the leet bunch.FU.
I want it easier and to the leet bunch.FU.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by MirageMaster
I want it easier and to the leet bunch.FU. |
Elite is elite for a reason. The casual gamer has 95% of the PvE world, leave the areas that actually pose a challenge alone.
For me the only problem is time.
Time to get a party that actually knows what to do...
Time to make the quest...
Time to spend killing steroid addict margonites...
Not only the ones who have 4..6 hour a day to play have right to enter DOA.
I say, tune it down, and use the current difficulty for the future Hard mode.
Time to get a party that actually knows what to do...
Time to make the quest...
Time to spend killing steroid addict margonites...
Not only the ones who have 4..6 hour a day to play have right to enter DOA.
I say, tune it down, and use the current difficulty for the future Hard mode.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
For me the only problem is time.
Time to get a party that actually knows what to do... Time to make the quest... Time to spend killing steroid addict margonites... Not only the ones who have 4..6 hour a day to play have right to enter DOA. I say, tune it down, and use the current difficulty for the future Hard mode. |
I don't want DoA to be easier. I want it to be better balanced. It's doable now, yes, but only with a few fairly specific team builds. I want there to be different team builds that can do it, not just the old cookie-cutter standbys that everyone is using right now.
/notsigned for making it easier HOWEVER
/signed for balancing out the mobs and reducing the time it takes a good team to get through the quest
The term "Elite Mission" makes me laugh everytime and the people defending it even more.
There is nothing elite to using 3 monks filling up an already with ridiculous amounts of enchantments filled up warrior while mindless nuking builds feed upon a dedicated energy source (maybe the worst job in this game) while having to stay back enough so they don't violate the poor aggro-system in this game.
Can you seriously call that eliteworthy?
Lower the enemy's levels, give them FULL bars and way better AI and we can talk about elite again.
There is nothing elite to using 3 monks filling up an already with ridiculous amounts of enchantments filled up warrior while mindless nuking builds feed upon a dedicated energy source (maybe the worst job in this game) while having to stay back enough so they don't violate the poor aggro-system in this game.
Can you seriously call that eliteworthy?
Lower the enemy's levels, give them FULL bars and way better AI and we can talk about elite again.
Not A Fifty Five
Originally Posted by Surena
The term "Elite Mission" makes me laugh everytime and the people defending it even more.
There is nothing elite to using 3 monks filling up an already with ridiculous amounts of enchantments filled up warrior while mindless nuking builds feed upon a dedicated energy source (maybe the worst job in this game) while having to stay back enough so they don't violate the poor aggro-system in this game. Can you seriously call that eliteworthy? Lower the enemy's levels, give them FULL bars and way better AI and we can talk about elite again. |

Once a monster group gets in aggro range their aggro range would simply shift to compass range, and then they each would attack a random ally (to stop people from shifting HP values in the beginning to create predertimined tanks) and then shift targets if at least x damage is not met every 10 seconds. Finally, each group would have a minimum of one mesmer and one monk which is pretty standard for balance.
Then lower enemy monster levels from 28 to 24, 24s to 20 etc. Would be about as hard or harder, but much more fun, and for those that don't like it maybe this could only occur in elite missions and hard mode. Anyways I'm getting off topic I'll create another thread

My God I hope this is an April fools joke.
Originally Posted by se_brandon
If you really want Razah that bad, then you should have to patience enough to do the missions and get gems.
Unfortunately DoA is overrun with the latter. It seems that kids who know how to behave in public avoid DoA just as much as the latter.
I think an event designed to make DoA accessible to real people is a great idea. And I agree that DOAble is probably more a question of balance.
It is doable. It's just very build specific and you need to be competent... and have a lot of time. And keep in mind, it is an elite mission.