No TRUE alt's?
ok, am I missing something but everytime I make a new character I'm still in the same guild, does AN not like true alts? because yea, I like my current guild but I would also like to make a completly new character and join other guilds to see how they are, or do I have to quit my current guild to join other guilds, because if so, I'll probally go back to WoW...
Your whole account is associated with a guild. Ever heard of a thing called "loyalty"?
Have fun in WoW.
Smile Like Umean It
Things like your guild are account based, not character.
But, hey, have fun with WOW.
But, hey, have fun with WOW.
In GW your guild has to do with your relationship to other players, not your character's relationship to other characters. Sounds like you bought the wrong game...WoW and GW are not interchangeable. They're not even all that similar. WoW = RPG. GW = Strategy Game with RPG-like elements.
At any rate, good luck with that "I want everything my way or I'm taking my toys and going home" attitude. I'm sure it will take you far in life...
At any rate, good luck with that "I want everything my way or I'm taking my toys and going home" attitude. I'm sure it will take you far in life...
GUILD wars. GUILD WARS. Whats the point if you have characters in different guilds? Pick one, fight for it. Is that so hard?
Yeah, the entire game of Guild Wars is based around your guild and what it does. If you have a bunch of people with multiple characters in multiple guilds, it does defeat the purpose of the game. It's sort of like saying "I'm gonna jump in the middle of a war, but I don't know which side I'm gonna be on". If you are unhappy with your current guild you are in, express your concerns to your guild leader, who if he/she is a responsible guild leader, will take your views into consideration on making changes. If you decide to leave, at least give a heads up on the reason. This is one of the things that does bother me. People that leave without giving reason. I'm one for criticism which can only make a guild stronger. I'm not sure your reason for your unhappiness, but there are several options you can go.
#1.You can stay with your current guild (which doesn't seem like you are gonna do anyways) and take action to improve the guild's weakpoints by becoming a "leader" with initiative in the guild.
#2 You can leave the guild and join another one that has the SAME values and interests as you (DO NOT just join the first guild you see wanting more people). Find someone you mesh well with while playing and ask them for a guest invite. This way you aren't commited to anything and you can see how their guild runs differently. Once you find a guild that is suitable for you, you can ask for an invite,
#3 You can start your own guild. There are natural born leaders in the world that have created many great guilds. It is a lot of hard work to start off, but in the end, if you are determined and dedicated, it can be a huge success.
Anyways, sorry to hear your discontent on the whole guild thing. If you can't accept the way things are, all I can say is that every month, I'll always be $15 richer than you.
EDIT: Just doing a little housekeeping so that things make a little more sense. Oh yeah...I added a parantheses somewhere too
- Aldoros of Faydark
#1.You can stay with your current guild (which doesn't seem like you are gonna do anyways) and take action to improve the guild's weakpoints by becoming a "leader" with initiative in the guild.
#2 You can leave the guild and join another one that has the SAME values and interests as you (DO NOT just join the first guild you see wanting more people). Find someone you mesh well with while playing and ask them for a guest invite. This way you aren't commited to anything and you can see how their guild runs differently. Once you find a guild that is suitable for you, you can ask for an invite,
#3 You can start your own guild. There are natural born leaders in the world that have created many great guilds. It is a lot of hard work to start off, but in the end, if you are determined and dedicated, it can be a huge success.
Anyways, sorry to hear your discontent on the whole guild thing. If you can't accept the way things are, all I can say is that every month, I'll always be $15 richer than you.
EDIT: Just doing a little housekeeping so that things make a little more sense. Oh yeah...I added a parantheses somewhere too
- Aldoros of Faydark