Not Connecting
Hello. I installed GW:F on my laptop the other day, and it worked fine up until today. For some reason, now it will not connect to ArenaNet. Is there any particular reason to why it is not connecting?
First check if its not your internet connection that's giving up on you. If your internet works, then check if you installed a recent update and your firewall doesn't allow GW anymore (this can happen frequently after a new update depending on your firewall). You can also try repairing the installation if its not your firewall , might just fix your problem. also check if your firewall allows TCP ports 80 and 6112, you need those for GW.
well, I tried to re-install it, but all it did was download somethings, then try to connect to ArenaNet again. Once again, it failed. I turned off my firewall, and still nothing. .....I am really lost right now...
I have something SIMILAR, I was palying and talking and all the sudden I could only use talk in all-chat, I couldn't talk to my guild, alliance, or even in PM! I then logged out, and tried to log in and it said the operation could not be done or w.e code = 014, it is NOT my firewall OR my connection, I have had GW installed for a long time and this has never happened until now, I tried disabling Norton Internet Security 2007, no luck.. however I restarted and everything was normal for about 5 minutes, then it happened again.. Except now I can select "play" at the character choice screen, but it never connects when trying to load the map...
nvm, just found out europe is having trouble with the server...
sorry :x
sorry :x
Enchanted Warrior
I have had to restart the game several times. It first stops responding, then asks if Iw ant to reconnect and finally blames my net connection. Which as you can see is fine.
*goes off to read a book*
*goes off to read a book*
i have the EXACT same problem as you. was fine about 5 days ago but now i cannot connect. my net connection is fine. i do have those 2 ports open through my firewall (only vista standard firewall) and i dont see why it wont connect. quite frustrating.
very frustrating....the funny thing is, GW works fine on my desktop..just not on here...