Some questions about Pre-order items (/bonus)
Hi everyone I just had a question about pre-order items. First the two weapons for assassin and ritualist, are they still upgradeable or did Arenanet changed that during one of their updates? And secondly if you delete (i mean throw in trash) an item can you type /bonus to get it back? and if it works does it work for all of them or just ones from certain campaigns because in guildwiki it said the faction one does but it dont mention anything about the nightfall or game of the year ones. thanks in advance.
Not upgradeable. Yes, you can get the items back after throwing away. Items created with /bonus can be recreated as many times as needed, inside towns of course.
thank you very much taala 
and i just remembered the other questions i forgot, if i create a factions character will i be able to get the nightfall and game of the year edition bonus items; if i make a nightfall can i get the nightfall items etc, etc? and can i get them even if i add the key after i created my characters? thanks in advance.

and i just remembered the other questions i forgot, if i create a factions character will i be able to get the nightfall and game of the year edition bonus items; if i make a nightfall can i get the nightfall items etc, etc? and can i get them even if i add the key after i created my characters? thanks in advance.
i actually slapped a wrapping on one of my spirit binders not so long ago, so my can mod them, but i don't think they're inscriptable.
Any character gets all the /bonus items regardless of where they were created, except items don't respawn if your character already has them (heroes don't count). I get like 10 since I have the Factions and Nighfall preorders plus added the GOTY upgrade from the store.
when you say heroes dont count do you mean if give melonnai the icy soulbreaker i can spawn another one?
Jaws Of Doom
Yes. I've given all of scythe wielding heroes the bonus scythe, and all of you spear wielding heroes the bonus spear. You can make them as much as you want, just remember that they come automatically customized, so only you and your current heroes can use them.
No you cant have as many as you want - just 1 copy of each item per perso. So if you have a dervish and shes holding the bonus scythe, you wont make a second copy to give to the Dervish Hero.
ah thanks bssuperman thats what i was wonder
Originally Posted by BSSuperman
No you cant have as many as you want - just 1 copy of each item per perso. So if you have a dervish and shes holding the bonus scythe, you wont make a second copy to give to the Dervish Hero.
And to put these things in storage (someone mentioned this in another thread) just drag an item from your storage box and drop it on top of the bonus item. They will switch places (you can't just drag and drop the bonus items into your storage box).
Originally Posted by BSSuperman
No you cant have as many as you want - just 1 copy of each item per perso. So if you have a dervish and shes holding the bonus scythe, you wont make a second copy to give to the Dervish Hero.
so lets say i spawn and soulbreaker for melonnai, then is it possible to spawn one for every one of my heroe (koss, MOW, Jin etc etc) just wondering not going to give them a soulbreaker of course.
Noz Crow
I just tested this and i have the icy soulbreaker on my character and one on melonni and one in my inventory. So you can have as many as you want.
Lynx Of Ithorian
what the hell ? I've actually just paid money for an item I cant use - I bought this pack mainly just for the rino hammer - I cant even put a fortitude mod on it which makes it worthless for pvp players .... I want a refund .... they dont mention this anywhere in the store
Originally Posted by zodiacsoldier
so lets say i spawn and soulbreaker for melonnai, then is it possible to spawn one for every one of my heroe (koss, MOW, Jin etc etc) just wondering not going to give them a soulbreaker of course.
And no, none of the special weapons are moddable, no idea why they changed it, and it pisses me off too