Redoing Missions again and again ?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

I've been trying to finish the Frost Gate Mission (the one with the catapults etc) I've tried it 6 times! and usualy right at the end I get killed and have to start over.Is this normal ,to have to retry missions? I'm a level 13 Ranger and am using 4 hencies.I'm getting tired of the same mission but want to finish it!

Critical Cal

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

Las Vegas, NV.

Layin Down The Back <HAND>


Ask someone for Help! MY IGN: is Critical Cal if I'm on? I'll help!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Flying Gophers


It's bizzare to have to do an easy mission that many times. Later missions like THK take people 10+ tries if they're doing it with pick-up groups. If this is your first playtrhough, than 1-2 tries should be all it takes for earlier missions.
Take your time at the Frost Gate and wait for the mobs to come in instead of rushing to make all three levers work. After each one you activate a mob will rush in. If you rush yourself you'll jsut get swarmed.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


I'm always up for giving people a hand if they are taking trouble.I haven't really had anything else going on as of late. If you need an extra hand as well, you can let me know. I am usually on 18:00-23:00 Central Time (24:00 -05:00 GMT)

- Aldoros of Faydark

Jaws Of Doom

Jaws Of Doom

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



Also, don't short change yourself. At that point, the party size is 6, so with you and the 4 hench, you only have 5. Even if you don't particularly like the other hench, take one so they can at the very least spread more of the damage around. At that point, I would suggest that if you want to hench it, take the monk, both warriors, the ele, and either the necro or the mesmer. You should be able to provide enough ranger support that you won't need the hench ranger.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006




1) Make sure you read the Wiki entry for the mission so you know it inside/out

2) Take a break from it for a while. Do some questing / farming. This might also level you a bit more which never hurts

3) If you really can't get passed it then you could try to run yourself passed this mission instead



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Adding to what others have already said, I'll offer this advice...

Are you in a guild? If so, ask one of your guildmates to help, but it sounds like you need a bit more than just help with the mission. As others have stated, this isn't a difficult mission. Yes, the mobs at the end can be frustrating but if you're having this much trouble then you'll be quickly overwhelmed with later missions.

Ask a higher level player to go with you and help you complete it, but instead of just having that friend run you thru the mission, ask them to critique your playing style. It could be that you're using a bad skillset or your aggro'ing too many enemies at once. Whatever it is, I'm sure some constructive criticism from a friend will help you a lot more than a quick run to complete the mission.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



I still cant believe it tanks people 10+ times for THK, but thats another note.

anyways, just take your time, if you need help, ask in town. theres always some lvl20 sleeping in towns now a days.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

The safest way to tackle the end of Frost gate is to take out every enemy you can get to before activating any of the levers. Then activate the southern most one and eliminate every enemy you can get to - even going back past the gate that opens. Then repeat with the northern one, and finally the middle one.

GL,HF and if you need help in-game, look me up.
<<< IGNs over there!


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

For a veteran player, nothing takes more than 1 try, with possible exception of Elite missions.

For new player, there are filter missions. Frost Gate is one of them, THK the other. Grand Court and Gate of Pain in NF, and quite a few more.

Most players had difficulty with those missions the first time. With lack of available skills, the notorious useleness of henchies (no heroes here), lack of good build and unfamiliarity with mission goals and best practices, that's not uncommon.