armor question



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007



Im new at guild wars and I noticed that we only have 2-4 armors we can currently buy from shops from reading the site (i am assuming no armors drop from monsters as well in game)

So does that mean the only way to get really good armor in the game is to add runes or addons to them? and after we add runes and addons to it, will it look different if i wear it?

Reason is, I find it fun to have and find new armor and to change the look of my characters~ but i am not quite sure how it works. or does everyone have only 4 generic armor looks per class?

Thank you!

Jaws Of Doom

Jaws Of Doom

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



You are correct that no armor drops from monsters that you can use.

In order to get the "best" armor in the game, you have it crafted for you by an Armorer, and then you add runes and insignias for armor from Nightfall. The runes do not change the appearance of the armor, only the stats.

For better visual armor, you have a few choices. First, all armor is dyeable, allowing you to change the colors to whatever setup you want. Second, you can buy different looking sets of the same max armor. These sets ranger from 1.5k per piece on the cheap side to 15k per piece on the expensive side.

The most expensive is Obsidian Armor which is only crafted in the Fissure of Woe, an elite area of the game. This armor costs 15k per piece, as well as a lot more with the cost of the crafting material. This usually ends up to cost over serval hundread thounsand gold.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007


Ohhh ok. Thank you!


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Here's a good place to find out just about everything you ever want to know about armor:

Just follow the links around and you'll find out where to get it, what you need to get it, how much it costs, and even pics to help you decide what armor you prefer.