Need help Deciding profession

Healinglord pm

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

X Legion of Doom X


Im deciding to make a new character, but I can't decide what profession to make. I've narrowed it down to Dervish, Necromancer, Assassin, and Monk.
^ I know thats a lot, but I want to choose one of them. Everyones telling me different things, but I dont know what to do!! I want a character that is fun, and can make a lot of cash too. I have a ranger, warrior, and Ellementalist right now, but I want one more. Plz Comment



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Chicago, IL

Black Belt Jones


I'm assuming you're talking about a PvE character.

I would lean away from an Assassin, as most people say they're hard to get into PvE groups (harassment and spike damage on individual targets are, in general, not as useful in PvE unless you're in boss-oriented battles).

Dervish are fun to play, although their skills are a bit less straight-forward than, say, a warrior's.

Necromancers and Monks are both vital professions and will be welcomed in many groups. They're also big farming professions. However, keep in mind that both of these professions play important support roles in addition to their others, so you may find yourself supporting your team rather than doing direct damage much of the time.

I find all of the professions to be fun to play and I also enjoy playing attacker as well as support roles. Not everyone enjoys all of these aspects, though.

Sandblasted Skin

Sandblasted Skin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

St. Paul, MN

Strength and Virtue Eternal [SaVe]


Unless you are looking for a character that requires a lot of skill and isn't allowed into most pug groups, avoid Assassins.

Dervish is a poplular class right now but is basicly just another warrior.

I would recomend Necro. There are multiple builds and ways to run them, curses, orders, wells, or mm. All these are good and welcomed into parties (for the most part).

If you would like to be invited into every party play a monk. But if you do you will have to be heal or protection. Most monks are most effective if you do not even participate in the combat. In a pug group you may have your hands full just staying alive by kiting and healing other party members.

Whatever you choose good luck and have fun!!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


well if you've played ranger it probably time you learn necro. it can be the most fun of all character besides mesmer to play. like ranger its one of the most flexible classes you can play from time to time. thats if you don't stick to minion master and try out a lot of the other builds that a necro can be. monks aren't my cup of tea mainly is if you make a mistake you got a whole group gripping about how you did and sometimes when it isn't really your fault. as far dervishes i haven't tried then that much yet. as for assassin you really should be almost an expert player just to even start one they take time and possible help to get a good one i got one one on my third try mainly after i watched zenmai and she showed me how to play assassin better.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Hard choice - we do not know which of those things is most important and how much you are willing to learn.

Originally Posted by Healinglord pm
Personal, no one can tell you what is fun or not. Personally I do not like most support professions, at the least I do not like those that are individual support (I will play team support such as a paragon). If you like playing a support role then go monk - every group wants more than one and there aren't enough out there. If not, then a warrior is hard to beat.

and can make a lot of cash too.
This is also hard - there are different levels of farming. Personally I do not farm any "elite" area (Underworld, Fissure of Woe, etc). For this I think the dervish is currently the best farmer (monk is a near equal, before the last "nerf" I would put the 55 monk above it). A 55 monk is the most versatile.

However, farming builds and playing builds are quite different. Pretty much no one plays the game with their farming builds that know what they are doing. Farming vs playing builds are different. If you want a single profession that can do both then go Monk or Warrior. Best is to play the game with a class you like and go to someplace like GuildWiki and look at their farming builds for that role.

Personally my two favorite characters are an elementalist and a dervish, followed closely by a warrior. I have a similar list as your post, but that is so personal it is hard to tell someone else what to do. Since I do not care if PUGS will pick me up a Dervish beats a warrior by quite a bit.

Just_ A_Nightmare

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007


ok first of all i wouldnt go assasin as there is a large amount of hate for them nomatter how cool they seem to look, the monk, people want you in their group but your healing isnt really appreciated its just expected.If you heal well, yolu will get no thanks, if you heal badly you will get angry group members.The necromancer always seemed cool but maintaining minions wasnt fun as it looked, and the blood necro just seemed nothing special and very unwanted, the dervish is a nice in the middle, very cool looks, nice weps, big numbers, not hated and very versatile because u can run, farm a bit and tank very well with the right build




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

Originally Posted by Coloneh
Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.

You never heard of Death Blossom?
I've been playing a PvE Assassin ever since the start (my first char) and he storms through most areas without a hint of difficulty.

My advice to the OP is dependant on personality trait:

IF you like a challenge and prefer to learn by throwing yourself in at the deep end (and want to start in a pretty oriental place)...... choose Assassin.
IF you're a sadistic bastard (like I often am) and like making enemies kill themselves or just rot their health away...... choose Necromancer.
IF you want to just plow through groups up close (and don't mind starting in the desert)... choose Dervish.
IF you don't really want to concentrate on killing things and would rather play a support role...... choose Monk.

I mean... most people start off with Warriors. Oddly enough, the only classes I haven't tried primary yet are Warrior, Mesmer and Paragon... By far though, I'd rate Assassin highest for the learning experience if nothing else. As an Assassin you'd not get into the complacent Warrior mind-set of having things handed to you on a silver platter. Being a good Assassin doesn't come naturally and needs to be worked on.... whereas being a Warrior is essentially a walk in the park.

I typically go Mesmer or Necro secondary because they can make the enemies kill themselves (with the likes of Empathy and Spiteful Spirit respectively)... Necromancers, generally speaking, can do all kinds of crazy-nasty stuff to the enemy and look cool doing it too. They're decent for farming as Minion Masters, though I prefer taking the Curses route...

Dervishes I can't really speak for as I only just started mine... not really got anywhere.

As for Monks.... well... lets just say they can potentially make a LOT of money.... but they aren't going to kill things particularly quickly. They're primarily for keeping everyone alive... and.... thats the most of it.

The choice is yours.

Jaws Of Doom

Jaws Of Doom

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006



I would say to go with the monk. Not only are there quite a few farming builds you can do alone, but when farming with groups, you are almost always needed. Also, I think that it is important for everyone to at least learn some of the base mechanisms of a monk no matter what they like to play, just as a learning experience to see how they work.

Neo Nugget

Neo Nugget

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jan 2006


assassin and get vabbi if you have enough money,plus theyre soooo fun to play.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

I've just started playing a Dervish, and am having quite a bit of fun with it.

I've also played a Monk, and it's a nice challenge in the tougher parts of the game to keep everyone alive.

Do not listen to people who say "Asssassins & Mesmers are useless in PvE." They don't know what they're talking about.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

Remember that all the skills you unlock are also unlocked for your heroes, so even if you try a profession and decide to delete it it's not a total waste.

If you don't have many monk skills unlocked I'd give that a try.
It's a different experience than the other professions and you have the added bonus of being able to set up your healer or protect hero with a nice skill bar for all of your characters.

Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


Originally Posted by Coloneh
Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.

haha...thats a good one...ignorant people are funny!

there is no "useless" character at all. every profession can fit into a group. assassins are great in pve, but it requires ALOT of skill and is much different than playing a pvp assassin. hmmm, and i thought the days of anti-assassin idiots were over...

mesmers useless? more like one of the best: pvp and pve alike. i also thought in the last few months people have realized the true power of mesmers..guess not.

play as necro or monk if you want to be support and like to be the lifeline of a group. play necro if you like a versatile character that can provide heavy offense, defense or even both.

Healinglord pm

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

X Legion of Doom X


Ok guys, thanks for your ideas. Since a majority of the people dont like assassins in the game for PvE I'm not making that. The dervish are nice tooo, but you guys are right, there like warriors which I already have. So its either Monk or Necro im 50/50 with this one. Monks seem really cool, then so do necros. Well if you guys have any other Info on helping me decide between monk or necro ill be glad to hear them, Ty all again.

Healinglord pm

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

X Legion of Doom X


Ok guys, thanks for your ideas. Since a majority of the people dont like assassins in the game for PvE I'm not making that. The dervish are nice tooo, but you guys are right, there like warriors which I already have. So its either Monk or Necro im 50/50 with this one. Monks seem really cool, then so do necros. Well if you guys have any other Info on helping me decide between monk or necro ill be glad to hear them, Ty all again.

Oh yeah, what one would be able to make more cash, necro or monk?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Lost Dynasty [SEEK]


Necros are extremely fun. As a MM or SS necro you will be almost guaranteed to get into a group. Not to mention unlimited energy because of Soul Reaping.

I don't play monk much but I started a new one in pre and so far it's been great. I'd rather be up in the front lines hacking away or summoning armies of the undead, but as a monk EVERYONE wants you

Fallen Hunter

Fallen Hunter

I Saw That

Join Date: Mar 2006

The bushes


Go dervish, as they are FTW

Best profession in the world...

Dervish Gnome

Dervish Gnome

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Join Date: Jan 2007

Northern America

Unlikely Heroes of Yesterday


I agree with Fallen Hunter. The Dervish is a very interesting class. It makes killing a group of enemies very fun...seeing 3 bodies drop at the same time puts a smile on my face *MUAHAHAHA* The Dervish is not JUST another warrior as the Dervish can attack more than one target (sure, the Warrior can do the same with some skills and an axe...but a Dervish has a higher energy level). Also, a Dervish can renew their Zeal and Health (without a negative effect like a decrease in armor) very easily. My favorite Solo Farming build is the D/Me build that I found on wiki builds. It's mostly for FoW, but it can be used in other areas too Good Luck...and remember! Have fun ^.^



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Belgium, I think, but I can't actually remember it...

The Moonwailers


Originally Posted by Coloneh
Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.
Thank you very much
My main is a mesmer/ele and it's the handiest choise i'd ever made...
Fast casting with an Ele, how much better can you get??
(except for Energy storage )
A shame of that stupid hopdance, that really sucks... /:/



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Belgium, I think, but I can't actually remember it...

The Moonwailers


Originally Posted by Coloneh
Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.
Thank you very much
My main is a mesmer/ele and it's the handiest choise i'd ever made...
Fast casting with an Ele, how much better can you get??
(except for Energy storage )
A shame of that stupid hopdance, that really sucks... /:/
And the armors aren't that spectacular either, it's just to distinguised...

(I would go for the necro, by the way)



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


hm....choices choices.
if you want to join tons of groups then either the necro or the monk is the way to do it....monks are ALWAYS needed in groups, and there are a bunch of 55hp ways to solo (and maybe make some cash). necros as mm is also high in demand and can easily solo areas where the monk cant (so monk 2ndary ftw)....
I have both and find that I play the monk more than the necro, but thats just me------a person who has never made a warrior, made my dervish a mule and has 2 mesmers! (mesmers require skill to play and are not the easiest to start with like the warrior class where you can bash things from day one).

so I would suggest the necro with monk secondary.