Originally Posted by Coloneh
Just not assassin. Assassins are almost as useless in PvE as primary Mesmers.
You never heard of Death Blossom?
I've been playing a PvE Assassin ever since the start (my first char) and he storms through most areas without a hint of difficulty.
My advice to the OP is dependant on personality trait:
IF you like a challenge and prefer to learn by throwing yourself in at the deep end (and want to start in a pretty oriental place)...... choose Assassin.
IF you're a sadistic bastard (like I often am) and like making enemies kill themselves or just rot their health away...... choose Necromancer.
IF you want to just plow through groups up close (and don't mind starting in the desert)... choose Dervish.
IF you don't really want to concentrate on killing things and would rather play a support role...... choose Monk.
I mean... most people start off with Warriors. Oddly enough, the only classes I haven't tried primary yet are Warrior, Mesmer and Paragon... By far though, I'd rate Assassin highest for the learning experience if nothing else. As an Assassin you'd not get into the complacent Warrior mind-set of having things handed to you on a silver platter. Being a good Assassin doesn't come naturally and needs to be worked on.... whereas being a Warrior is essentially a walk in the park.
I typically go Mesmer or Necro secondary because they can make the enemies kill themselves (with the likes of Empathy and Spiteful Spirit respectively)... Necromancers, generally speaking, can do all kinds of crazy-nasty stuff to the enemy and look cool doing it too. They're decent for farming as Minion Masters, though I prefer taking the Curses route...
Dervishes I can't really speak for as I only just started mine... not really got anywhere.
As for Monks.... well... lets just say they can potentially make a LOT of money.... but they aren't going to kill things particularly quickly. They're primarily for keeping everyone alive... and.... thats the most of it.
The choice is yours.