traps reaction time?
meat shield
i was wondering what the reaction time for traps is(the time it takes to let the traps go off from the point monsters come in ranger)
i tried searching but found noting
do you have anny idea?
i was wondering what the reaction time for traps is(the time it takes to let the traps go off from the point monsters come in ranger)
i tried searching but found noting
do you have anny idea?
interesting question. I've personally had mixed results. It seems like the more traps you lay, the longer it takes for them to activate. If anyone has any info on this I would like to hear it as well

I'd say immediately?
Definitely not immediately. I was duo speed trapping the UW with a guildie the other day, both of us had trapper's speed on (theoretically makes the traps react faster) and we both sat there for at least a couple of seconds surrounded by aatxes before our traps finally decided to go off. Bit heart-stopping... I don't know what affects the react time but wold love to know!
meat shield
yep, i agree its not immediately.
but i think movement speed/direction has someting to do whit the reaction time, aswell how close to the traps you are
simpely, if you try to trigger trap and not get hit, you will often get hit cuz the trap triggers fast(by moving away fropm trap????)
but if you go close to traps and just stand there, it takes longer
slowly walking to center also has effent on reaction time(i think)
remember that is is possible to go straigh througth traps by using dash
i see a huge open place in wiki information, it seems like noboddy tested this before
but i think movement speed/direction has someting to do whit the reaction time, aswell how close to the traps you are
simpely, if you try to trigger trap and not get hit, you will often get hit cuz the trap triggers fast(by moving away fropm trap????)
but if you go close to traps and just stand there, it takes longer
slowly walking to center also has effent on reaction time(i think)
remember that is is possible to go straigh througth traps by using dash
i see a huge open place in wiki information, it seems like noboddy tested this before
I wouldn't know. I pretty much never set traps down.... I'm typically the one running through spike traps, trying to avoid conditions... and using Dark Escape for the most part.
You think your heart stops when you are in UW, you should try Stygian Veil and stand behind your spirits and about 40 traps (more if you have more than 2 rangers) and 18 level 28s come at you at once.
Along the lines of the thread I have seen them activate quickly and slowly in DoA. I don't see a rhyme or reason to the times.
Along the lines of the thread I have seen them activate quickly and slowly in DoA. I don't see a rhyme or reason to the times.
L|S >+>+G+<+<
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
I wouldn't know. I pretty much never set traps down.... I'm typically the one running through spike traps, trying to avoid conditions... and using Dark Escape for the most part.
on the posted question, in stygian its a nightmare. ive seen trpas take from 1 second to 3 seconds to go off.
idk if there is a time for them to go off, perhaps its when a target actually hits the rim of the traps or more towards the middle?
meat shield
i wouldnt say it is totlay random, they often activate at same time
i thinks someone must do some scrimages to test the game mechenaries about traps under certain conditions
i.e. moving towards traps(at normal/faster/slower speed)
touch the trap verry short and then run away
shadow step in traps
more/less traps in same/diferent place
type of monsters(how big/fast he is)
amount of monsters
and more
its a hell of list....
i thinks someone must do some scrimages to test the game mechenaries about traps under certain conditions
i.e. moving towards traps(at normal/faster/slower speed)
touch the trap verry short and then run away
shadow step in traps
more/less traps in same/diferent place
type of monsters(how big/fast he is)
amount of monsters
and more
its a hell of list....
If I'm on a speed boost, I can often trigger the traps, then get out before they damage me.
Originally Posted by L|S >+>+G+<+<
and the point of saying that was....................?
I'm just saying... its definitely not instant. Quite quick sometimes... definitely enough to get anyone walking over without a speed-boost (especially if they don't know its there).... but someone sprinting over it with a boost can avoid the effects.
Originally Posted by SotiCoto
And the point of replying to it was....................?
The traps are been really odd in DoA. In UW i've never had this problem. In Stygian Veil its been a completely different story.
I've had traps activate anywhere between 1s and 5s after monsters stood on them. I've also had all the traps go off... then a 2s pause for the next 4 waves of Dust to start activating. The delay is usually just enough for all of them to get in melee of the spirits just as the traps go off. Sometimes i've had it where they've killed the spirits and half have moved on before they activate.
technically it is immediatly. but if they are all activate at the smae time the game(and your lagg) will make it take longer to sync them and then set them off.
meat shield
euuu... no
i personay think the amount has noting to do whit it, it HAS to be someing whit movement/speed/amount of enamies
is somebody going to test this?
i personay think the amount has noting to do whit it, it HAS to be someing whit movement/speed/amount of enamies
is somebody going to test this?
meat shield
i thougth out a theory
theory #1: traps trigger as soon somebody stops moving towards the center to he trap(i.e. moving away or atack)
theory #2: there is certain time between "trigger" and "damage"
theory #3: traps trigger totaly random
theory #1: traps trigger as soon somebody stops moving towards the center to he trap(i.e. moving away or atack)
theory #2: there is certain time between "trigger" and "damage"
theory #3: traps trigger totaly random