Skill Points,Skill trainer,Mission tip,Green Weps,Secondary


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Hi all. First post here and i got some questions:

1. I read on guildwiki that there are some good spots to make XP after u hit 20 and thus get more skillpoints, but 1 SP at every 15k xp is a bit tough i think o.o...mostly because i am usually a solo player. So the question is: u guys got some tips on how to get skillpoints really fast?

2. I thought of only buying signet of capture from skill trainer and getting the rest from quests(Prophecies). Question would be: do u guys have some link to a list of skills only obtainable by trainer and skills only obtainable by signet of capture? or easyer: list of skills not obtainable by quests

3. I am in a guild with 2 cousins of mine and didn't really make a lot of pals in this game(it was kinda an alternative to another MMO at the time) and am trying to make the Aurora Glade mission + bnous only with one of them. He is a W/R and i am E/M. Any1 got some tip on how to do the "area domination" part only the 2 of us + henchman?

4. As far as i heard the green colored weps are the best so coul some1 tell me at wich point do chests give them? I know that around maguuma u get much more yellows then anywhere else.

5. As far as i know u can make any weapon green if u put some upgrades on it. True?

6. I made an Assasin and am thinking of having a warrior for secondary. Can i use a lot of Assasin skills with warrior weapons or vice-versa? Would a ranger be better?(long range crit maschine like in LineageII )

7. As far as i know i can't delete secondarys in Prophecies. Same thing in Factions as well?

8. This question is just to check up on updates: only 1 secondary in factions too, right?

Well these would be my questions for now. As u can see i didn't play for a long long time . Thx for any answers and sry for the somewaht noobish questions



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

I can try and answer all your questions here, but first you should look at:

I think that will answer all of your question.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Etta, his very first question says he has checked wiki. But by reading his other questions, I guess not enough .

Let's go:

1) Just keep playing do quests, you'll get skill points. ( You play Prophecies? To get skills, get them through quests. )
2) SoC are usually only used for elite skills. Once you hit Emberlight Camp, you can buy any non-elite skill you need.
4) Greens don't come from chests. They drop from bosses ( in Prophecies: only Grenth's Footprint, Sorrow's furnace and Tombs of Primeval Kings )
5) You're an Assassin. If you keep using daggers, you can use all attacks that are either called: Lead Attack, Off-hand Attack, Dual Attack, or Melee Attack. Melee Attacks are available in the Strength line ( you don't have access to Strength, but you can get the effects from skills such as [skill]Bull's Strike[/skill] ) or Melee attacks from Dervishes ( Nightfall-only ). If you go ranger, you'll need a bow. If you want to use a hammer, sword or axe, I think it's better to get a real warrior.
7) Delete secondaries? You mean secondary profession? You can change them if you're far enough in the game.
8) Change them if you're far enough in the game.

A Leprechaun

A Leprechaun

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


You cant add mods to weapoins to make them green, they come the way they are and you cant dye, mod or salvage them.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

Ah! my bad :P, Yanman, Thx
i must have been blind :P

yeah Atta, follow Yanman's answers and you will be ok.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

S??by, Denmark

A Few Good Men


Originally Posted by
4) Greens don't come from chests. They drop from bosses ( in Prophecies: only Grenth's Footprint, Sorrow's furnace and Tombs of Primeval Kings )
Not entirely true. There are a few more Greens in Prophecies Rotwing Recurve Bow in Majesty's Rest, Totem Axe in The Falls, Forgotten Fan in The Falls, Kepkhet's Refuge in Prophet's Path, The Ice Breaker in Talus Chute and Frozen Fan in Talus Chute.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by Atta
1. I read on guildwiki that...
pls read what i wrote

1. as i said..looked in wiki..though some1 might have a better idea
2. asked for a list. wiki doesn't have one
-3. i think i found some tips for this one. thx
4. doesn't say anything about color as far as i see...and certainly not where they keep appearing
5. same as above...nothing 'bout greens
6. no tips on what secondary to get for my assa
-7. good to see i can change it...although it's badass :O
-8. since it's changeable i think this ones answered too

so...5 remaining. ty

EDIT: k. until i finished this post there were more replies then 1. thx for that ppl




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

Originally Posted by thig
Not entirely true. There are a few more Greens in Prophecies Rotwing Recurve Bow in Majesty's Rest, Totem Axe in The Falls, Forgotten Fan in The Falls, Kepkhet's Refuge in Prophet's Path, The Ice Breaker in Talus Chute and Frozen Fan in Talus Chute.
I remember when I first found Rotwing...

I was just casually exploring Tyria... and I noticed the island on its own... with a bridge leading to it guarded by ghosties... and I happened to look over to the island in the middle and spot the Level 30 undead dragon...
No... I did not aggro the guy. I'm not quite THAT stupid. I just looked for a few moments and decided to list it among the places I was probably NEVER going to visit.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

S??by, Denmark

A Few Good Men


Originally Posted by Atta

1. as i said..looked in wiki..though some1 might have a better idea
2. asked for a list. wiki doesn't have one
-3. i think i found some tips for this one. thx
4. doesn't say anything about color as far as i see...and certainly not where they keep appearing
5. same as above...nothing 'bout greens
6. no tips on what secondary to get for my assa
-7. good to see i can change it...although it's badass :O
-8. since it's changeable i think this ones answered too
atta many of the things you mention have lists on wiki

there are links to them on the front page so I doubt that you have even tried wiki.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

i did try it ...thx anyway. found some nice info on secondarys too. thx all and gl



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

1. gave you good advice, just keep playing, the skill points soon stack up.
2.Skill quests
3. Covered
4.Green Weapon List for Prophecies I found a link saying 'Green' Weapons on the front page of guildWiki.
5.the same link on the front page said "unique gear dropped by certain bosses".
6. No tips because it's very subjective. One person can take a certain pairing on professions and make it work, while amother person finds it unusable. gave you some tips on the synergy of A/W


Join Date: Dec 2005




Originally Posted by thig
Not entirely true. There are a few more Greens in Prophecies Rotwing Recurve Bow in Majesty's Rest, Totem Axe in The Falls, Forgotten Fan in The Falls, Kepkhet's Refuge in Prophet's Path, The Ice Breaker in Talus Chute and Frozen Fan in Talus Chute.
Whoops! forgot about those!


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

1. Quest rewards are the best way to gain skill points. But some quests give more than others. The quests in the Grenth's Footprint/Sorrows furnace give a boat load of XP. FoW & UW also are good places to get lots of XP. Scrolls also can boost XP production significantly.

2. Just buy the non-elite skills you want. Use cap. signets for the elites. (you'll get 5,000XP for every elite skill you capture!)

3. If you need help with it, look me up in-game.

4. Actually, you'll find more gold weapons in the southern Shiverpeaks & Fire Islands.

5. Nope, but you can modify gold weapons with perfect mods to make them equal to any green weapon.

7. Once you've ascended in Prophecies, you can do quests you get in the desert towns that will allow you to change secondaries. In factions, you can buy the ability to change secondaries in Senji's Corner.

8. Yep, only one secondary at a time.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

1. Quest rewards are the best way to gain skill points. But some quests give more than others. The quests in the Grenth's Footprint/Sorrows furnace give a boat load of XP. FoW & UW also are good places to get lots of XP. Scrolls also can boost XP production significantly.

2. Just buy the non-elite skills you want. Use cap. signets for the elites. (you'll get 5,000XP for every elite skill you capture!)

3. If you need help with it, look me up in-game.

4. Actually, you'll find more gold weapons in the southern Shiverpeaks & Fire Islands.

5. Nope, but you can modify gold weapons with perfect mods to make them equal to any green weapon.

7. Once you've ascended in Prophecies, you can do quests you get in the desert towns that will allow you to change secondaries. In factions, you can buy the ability to change secondaries in Senji's Corner.

8. Yep, only one secondary at a time.