1. I read on guildwiki that there are some good spots to make XP after u hit 20 and thus get more skillpoints, but 1 SP at every 15k xp is a bit tough i think o.o...mostly because i am usually a solo player. So the question is: u guys got some tips on how to get skillpoints really fast?
2. I thought of only buying signet of capture from skill trainer and getting the rest from quests(Prophecies). Question would be: do u guys have some link to a list of skills only obtainable by trainer and skills only obtainable by signet of capture? or easyer: list of skills not obtainable by quests

3. I am in a guild with 2 cousins of mine and didn't really make a lot of pals in this game(it was kinda an alternative to another MMO at the time) and am trying to make the Aurora Glade mission + bnous only with one of them. He is a W/R and i am E/M. Any1 got some tip on how to do the "area domination" part only the 2 of us + henchman?
4. As far as i heard the green colored weps are the best so coul some1 tell me at wich point do chests give them? I know that around maguuma u get much more yellows then anywhere else.
5. As far as i know u can make any weapon green if u put some upgrades on it. True?
6. I made an Assasin and am thinking of having a warrior for secondary. Can i use a lot of Assasin skills with warrior weapons or vice-versa? Would a ranger be better?(long range crit maschine like in LineageII

7. As far as i know i can't delete secondarys in Prophecies. Same thing in Factions as well?
8. This question is just to check up on updates: only 1 secondary in factions too, right?
Well these would be my questions for now. As u can see i didn't play for a long long time