My idea of a new profession is the Druid. Its a master of magic and creatures and could be recognized a little from the necromancer, ranger and mesmer classes. They use the power of the trees and nature to deal damage to their foes. Their big power is to convince different other foes (Ettins, imps, dredges, etc.) in the level 0-20 to fight for them in battles, against their former allies.
The druid is also able to make different trees, like the ranger uses spirits, although they are not able to have a pet of their own. Instead of the pets the rangers has, the druid takes creatures from around the world to join them with the Convincing attribute.
The weapon of use would be a staff, and armors would be like furs and hides of wolves, bears etc.
Nature Powers(Primary) Would suck energy and health from nearby creatures which dies, just as the Sould reaping attribute does for necromancers, although it would suck both health and energy, but not as much as necros does.
Convincing Would be an attribute to skills which can convince creatures (up to level 20) to join the druid for (x) minutes and fight by his side. Would also include skills to kill the creatures after they become hostile again. The maximum number of creatures that could be convinced at once is 7.
Root Powers Would be an attribute to skills which uses roots under the ground to attack foes.
Natural Prayers Would be an attribute with different prayers that works as the Rangers spirits, but with small trees instead.
Typical skills for Druids
Mind Control Convince. Target level [5...20] foe becomes your loyal ally for [5...20] minutes. This skill has no affect on bosses. (Attribute: Convincing)
Stunning Root Root attack. Shoot out a root at target foe who cant attack or move for [2...5] seconds and suffers [3...15] damage each second. (Attribute: Root powers)
Dwaynas Plant Elite Tree. Create a level [1...10] Tree of Dwayna which gives you and your allies +[1...3] health generation. This tree dies after [20...50] seconds.
The Convincing attribute idea
I think I have described my convince idea a little bad earlier. Therefore I write a detailed version of the idea here.
The Convince will be like a hex to a foe in the wild (Cannot be used in PvP) and can affect all level 0-20 creatures in the wild except bosses.
Since the Convince is a hex, it will end after (x) minutes. When this happens, the creature become hostile again, and you will have to kill it. When this happens, you hopefully would have made big damage to other creatures, so you will earn by doing this. There will also be convincing skills that would damage your "minion" when it turns normal.
Thats my idea of the Druid class. Please post your comments under here.