Suggestion birthday gift for avid Guild Wars fan


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Totally clueless aunty here...web-savvy but just not into games. My niece is fully immersed in Guild Wars and I want to buy her a Guild-Warsy present for her birthday which is due soon. Somehow I thought I found some info somehwhere that a new campaign was scheduled for March 2007 (she already has the latest one). But now I have trouble finding those sources again, and if I won't succeed anytime soon, I'm in big strife, can you please help me out? Also, I'd be grateful if you could suggest any alternative gifts.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by belindavillani
Totally clueless aunty here...web-savvy but just not into games. My niece is fully immersed in Guild Wars and I want to buy her a Guild-Warsy present for her birthday which is due soon. Somehow I thought I found some info somehwhere that a new campaign was scheduled for March 2007 (she already has the latest one). But now I have trouble finding those sources again, and if I won't succeed anytime soon, I'm in big strife, can you please help me out? Also, I'd be grateful if you could suggest any alternative gifts.

if they stay on their 6 month release schedule the earliest would be the very end of April.

there are RUMORS being posted all over about delays and uncomfirmed release dates ranging from summer 07 out to Oct 07.

until Anet confirms a change i will say that they have not missed a date yet.

Factions on time to the day
Nightfall on time to the day.

i will see what Anet says instead of rumors



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


ArenaNet did state at the Developers Roundtable (as reported by Billiard) that they were no longer on a 6-month release plan.

That means that I would not count on a new chapter in time for a spring birthday.

Alternative gifts:

1. You could purchase a gift certificate at a local gaming store that she could use when the time comes (I got one for Christmas).

2. Offer to purchase extra character slots ($10USD/each) for her from the Guild Wars on-line shop (requires her to be logged-in on her GW account).

3. General gaming gear - better mouse, better video card


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



We need a Guild Wars Guru shop!

I say gift certificate for the local Best Buy or Game Stop.

Illithen Firebringer

Illithen Firebringer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Minnesota USA

Brother Blood


I do not know when the next expansion is coming out but maybe you could get her a guild wars t-shirt. you cannot buy them online and they are almost impossible to find anywhere else. I suggest making one. print the guild wars logo or something else guildwars related out on to some paper that you can iron on to a t-shirt. or get a screenshot of her character and do the same thing.

Best of Luck with whatever you choose to do,



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Screenshot mention gave me another idea for a gift.

Visit our Nolani Academy forum and check out the artists who take commissions. You could purchase a sketch or or a cartoon that includes one of your neice's characters.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Kirins of Holy Light


[QUOTE=Illithen Firebringer] maybe you could get her a guild wars t-shirt. you cannot buy them online and they are almost impossible to find anywhere else. QUOTE]

Actually, they pop up for sale on Ebay quite often (Search "Guild Wars shirt"). XL Promo shirts. Sometimes the Skill Pins show up too.

I think the character slots or some sort of upgrade for her computer would be the most useful gift though. There is also the Guild Wars Factions keyset for the Zboard, but she would probably need the main board too.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


I have the GW zboard and it's not that great unless you use headset/mike for communications. They squashed the typing keys too close together.