Bear with me, this is a little confusing.
I'd played the original Guild Wars a year or two ago, stopped for a while, and decided to try it again with the new chapters. So after thinking about it this week and asking you all about how Factions and Nightfall integrate with Prophecies, I ended up buying the two chapters the other day. I installed them but when I tried logging in, my old account (my main Yahoo email address, which I'll call account #1) wasn't letting me log in for some reason. Taking the logical approach and assuming it'd been deactivated after such a long time of inactivity, I created a new account using my secondary Gmail address (which I'll call #2) and registered the Factions and Nightfall keys with the new account. (Yes, in hindsight it wasn't the brightest thing to do when waiting [see below] would've worked.) So as of now account #2 has Factions and Nightfall associated with it, while account #1 only has the original, Prophecies.
I'm still not sure why it wasn't working last night, but I tried logging into my old account again this evening and lo and behold it worked-- not only that, but I was amazed to see that my level 20 W/R from almost two years ago is still intact and playable. But now I'm in somewhat of a pickle because I'd like to use Factions and Nightfall with account #1 and my original W/R but (obviously) get an error when I try and enter the access keys into #1 because they're already associated with the new account #2. So... Is there any way to transfer my account #1 character to the #2 account and just get rid of account #1 altogether? If not that, is there any way to cancel or "unassociate" Factions and Nightfall's access keys with #2 and re-attach them to #1-- a consolidation, basically?
I know that probably sounds confusing... Hopefully someone can help me out. I just emailed the Account Support folks and am hoping for the best, but I figured it's worth asking here too in case anyone's ever been in a similar situation.
Thanks a bunch,
Adjusting account
You can't do anything now. Anet support *may* merge your accounts providing you can provide enough proof of ownership. Receipts and cd keys may be sufficient.> support> support
Yep, I mentioned at the end of the post that I've already sent an inquiry to them so I guess it's just a waiting game now.
Fallen Hunter
I have a friend in a similar situation as this, however he was unable to merge the accounts as he wasn't the original owner of the prophecies account. However, I beleive they will merge them for you as long as you provide sufficient proof of owenership.
I am the original owner of both and have the receipt from Factions and Nightfall since I just got them this week, but I know for a fact that I don't have the receipt from the first account since it's been so long since getting it. I'm usually good with paperwork like that but just have no clue where that would be by now.
What other kind of proof do they usually accept to prove account ownership?
(EDIT-) Ah! Just got a reply email from them (that was fast!) so we're starting up the merge process. We'll see how it goes.
What other kind of proof do they usually accept to prove account ownership?
(EDIT-) Ah! Just got a reply email from them (that was fast!) so we're starting up the merge process. We'll see how it goes.