For those of you who read the post here, you know that Anet decided to change the coloring effect of dyes on armor. Well, it turns out this change seems to make people feel limited regarding the number of options they have to dye thier armor. Many favorite armor colors are no longer achievable due to this change. While the added effects of a dye "test" window and two new colors were absolutely loved by the community, it seemed that this change to dye composition mechanics has upset many.
The petition here is to hopefully bring back the former glory of dye combinations, that is, returning the dye combination effects to their state before the 10/26/2006 update, here.
Note: This is not to remove the Dye Window and/or the added dye colors, it is just to "fix" the appearance of mixed dye colors.
Go Siggies, Go!
Petition: Bring Back the Dye Variations!
Kaida the Heartless
I don't mind most of the new dyes, its mainly Black that is pissing me off with its Paint look. /signed