Merge accounts
Is there anyway to merge 2 accounts together that have already been used? My prophecies is seperate my factions and nightfall.
The only way is to contact support and ask them to help with it.
You might have to buy another copy of prophecies if you want to merge accounts.
Knightsaber Sith
You can't "merge" accounts. The best you could hope for is if you whine to support, sometimes they will close one of your accounts and reissue you a new key for that campaign which you can then apply to the other account.
Keep in mind that doing this causes you to lose all progress on the closed account; it doesn't carry over. Make sure to give all your money from the one account to the other and delete any characters whose names you wish to reuse. If you don't delete them before they close the account, the names will be permanently reserved and you wont be able to use them.
Keep in mind that doing this causes you to lose all progress on the closed account; it doesn't carry over. Make sure to give all your money from the one account to the other and delete any characters whose names you wish to reuse. If you don't delete them before they close the account, the names will be permanently reserved and you wont be able to use them.
Originally Posted by Tangy
Is there anyway to merge 2 accounts together that have already been used? My prophecies is seperate my factions and nightfall.

Damn, that would be so handy as my factions is seperate. But I suppose ANet is a buisness who's point (along with every other buisness) is to make money in the end.
Solution - buy Proph, its pretty cheap, and im sure you can sell your old account to some uhh "sucker"
Solution - buy Proph, its pretty cheap, and im sure you can sell your old account to some uhh "sucker"
Dervish Gnome
I made the same mistake and I e-mailed support of my problem. They ended up giving me a new code and deleted my old one so I was able to combine my Prophecies with my Factions. Just make sure you have both codes handy in case they help you out. Good luck with that!
lol how much did you have to beg? or were they friendly about it.. because i have many many many many accounts which i would like to merge :/
This seems to be an ongoing issue. They will do it for some, but not for others. So much for "You can't merge accounts or unapply and reuse a key that has already been applied.".
Dervish Gnome
Originally Posted by divinechancellor
lol how much did you have to beg? or were they friendly about it.. because i have many many many many accounts which i would like to merge :/

1. the used key is not reused as the locked account still exists with that used key.
they issue you a new unused key in place of the locked one to apply correctly this time.
2. they cant and dont merge any accounts.
the new merged account is created by using the replacement key correctly as if you just bought the game and did it right the first time