Why did the charr invade?

Venice Queen

Frost Gate Guardian

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Washington, DC

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Hi, I haven't been here in a while but stopped in today to check out the forums.

I was reading threads that stated Nightfall explains why the charr invaded tyria... I haven't bought the game, but would still like to know.

Any help?



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Having played through Nightfall with several characters, I haven't seen any mention of the Charr.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

They got tired of living in the hills with the hillbillies?



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

It is a spoiler of sorts, so pm'ed my summary.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

A Famous Small Town in PA

Saints of Avalon


I don't know that the question of the Charr has been answered, though it is certainly hinted at in Lore that they were pushed far north because they were viewed as barbaric and hunted down....


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


NN - No Names


Isn't it obvious?
They started getting antifarm warnings so they were coming to tryia to shake it off...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cold Black Eyes


The grass was greener on the other side of the wall. They were jealous.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

It *is* answered - do some of the Realm of Torment quests, specifically any that include a charr ghost.

I assume that the PM sent to the OP is correct - but think on this. Notice that the Titans are all over the place in the Realm of Torment and the charr see them as gods (not really that hard to figure out, though it is explicitly told in more detail).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


I guess I will be the spoiler then. From what the Guild Wars lore says, the char were forced out of their homeland by an unknown force. Exactly why they attacked the lands of Tyria I am not sure about though. You can find more info in the posts within the lore discussion part of Guru's forums.

Mega Mouse



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

New York


They tell you in GuildWiki


Just go all the way to the bottom



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Crazy ducks from the Forest


Essentially, it would appear that inter-species tension existed for a long time.

However, the Titans eventually subverted the Charr into their servants, supplied them with destructive magics that brought down the wall, and conquered Tyria. The Charr went for the rest of humanity too, but were stopped. In the case of Kryta, by the White mantle with their Mursaat lords and in the case of Orr, by a suicidal spell that took out both the Charr and Orr.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Originally Posted by Iuris
Essentially, it would appear that inter-species tension existed for a long time.

However, the Titans eventually subverted the Charr into their servants, supplied them with destructive magics that brought down the wall, and conquered Tyria. The Charr went for the rest of humanity too, but were stopped. In the case of Kryta, by the White mantle with their Mursaat lords and in the case of Orr, by a suicidal spell that took out both the Charr and Orr.
Yep, do the quest (or read the quest dialog from Guildwiki) "A Flickering Flame" and and the unknown reasons other posters talked about become a little less unknown. As I recall there was some other dialog in pop-up speech boxes in the quest "Dismember the Titans" that expand on it some more, but the wiki doesn't list it - it may be another quest.

It had to do with the destruction of Arah, Terick used the Charr invasion to push the Vizier into incanting the magic that destroyed Orr (and the City of the Gods, Arah). See the quests "Escape from the Torment" and "Blueprint of the Fall". Effectively Abbadon was influencing both races (Charr and Humans) into a situation where Arah was destroyed.

Of course, there is also those pesky Flameseeker prophecies in there - I rather suspect that Arah was just just a nice side prize. But that isn't exactly what was being asked - the Charr were manipulated by the titans who were servants of Abbadon into invading the human world. If the main goal was the destruction of Arah or the Flameseeker prophecies is unknown. As far as I know there is in game dialog that suggests both.

Of course, this is also why so many say GW story sucks - they either do not do the quests, do not read them, or simply do not remember. Unlike many other traditional RPG's, GW doesn't force you to read the story.