Originally Posted by Lord of Fiery Doom
OK. How common are updates, BTW, and if I don't look on the website will Guild Wars still tell me about an update if I load it?
Also, does that mean that if there are no updates, every time I load Guild Wars after doing this, I won't need to load a new area ever again?
Updates seem to usually happen towards the end of the week(thurs-fri) unless there is an emergency update. They don't seem to happen every week. Guild wars will only tell you in game when there is a critial update, and it needs to be restarted, otherwise it downloads them in the background while you play.
If you want to make sure you are up to date, I suggest running that command once a week on average. You can copy the guildwars shortcut on your desktop, go into the properties and add the -image to the target path(outside the quotes) so you can run it whenever.
edit: forgot to answer your second question, as long as there hasn't been a new update, you can access any area without waiting for it to download files.