The Drought PLease Help!
Hi everyone, my build is D/Me and I've gotten to the Drought mission pretty much unscathed but now I'm dying so quickly it's absolutely absurd. Those Drought Minions and the Boss kill me so fast. To get to the boss I have to send my henchmen in ahead of me as they do not get killed as quickly as I do. I have around 500 health and my armor is 55 except for a hood with 70. Why am I dying so fast???? Can anyone help me I'm so frustrated I feel like I have such a weak character. Thanks
Originally Posted by belaflek73
Hi everyone, my build is D/Me and I've gotten to the Drought mission pretty much unscathed but now I'm dying so quickly it's absolutely absurd. Those Drought Minions and the Boss kill me so fast. To get to the boss I have to send my henchmen in ahead of me as they do not get killed as quickly as I do. I have around 500 health and my armor is 55 except for a hood with 70. Why am I dying so fast???? Can anyone help me I'm so frustrated I feel like I have such a weak character. Thanks
For a start, get yourself some max armour to match your hood! Plus, if you're not bothered about getting the masters yet turn off all the pumps on the way to the Drought. That'll make it slightly easier.
bring winter
In addition to all the good information above, if he does manage to cast Sandstorm, move out of it before attacking him, else you're just doubling the damage.
Mantra of Earth.
Originally Posted by anotherfallingstar
bring winter
make sure to trigger hes ss first then rush in to kill it
thats how i do it.
thats how i do it.
On my derv, I used the 55 AL pieces up until RoT without many problems. Just bring Winter or give your monk hero protective spirit or something.
Samuel Dravis
I used prot spirit, 6 meteor showers, 3 eles doing SF spam and lots of interrupts. I don't think he even got one spell off in the less than 20 seconds he lived..
Buy your max armour and stop whining... if you can't make a build to kill a bog standard ele boss between yourself and 3 heros you need to get more imagination.
Sandblasted Skin
Bring a ranger hero with winter and choking gas. If you can't get these skills just make sure you have interupt capabilities on a hero. If it can't cast sandstorm you can beat it easy.
GET MAX ARMOR MAN! THATS YOUR MAIN PROBLEM ( beside the ss thing ) lolz
no armor isnt such a great problem as when i got my ele up ther she had 60al armor and was getting hit for 500+ so and extra 20al wont do much all u need is somthing like prot spirit mantra of earth... ect
Winter + Broad Head Arrow. Nuff' said.
Glyph of Renewal Maelstrom.
I recently done this.
We managed to do it with bonus, but it was very hard.
Basically, we sent one person to run in and act as a sacrifice. They ran around The Drought and kept dying, but we kept ressurecting him. Whislt he was doing this, the rest of us attacked. Suprisingly, it worked
We managed to do it with bonus, but it was very hard.
Basically, we sent one person to run in and act as a sacrifice. They ran around The Drought and kept dying, but we kept ressurecting him. Whislt he was doing this, the rest of us attacked. Suprisingly, it worked

Bring a mesmer along, have him backfire the drought, he drops fast

Commander Ryker
Here's what we've done, several times. When you get to the drought, kill the pairs scattered around the room. When you get to the drought and the 2 with him, go right for the drought and don't worry about the other two yet. If you try to get those two first, he'll just keep killing you. Just pound him with all you and your party have. Once he's gone, just kill the other two and you're done.
Your best bet is to bring SPOIL VICTOR (necro elite from factions) on one of your heros. It kills the drought in about 4.5 sec even when going for the bonus. THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO KILL HIM (said due to countless experiments) Have fun and good luck killing him.
P.S. Max armor is a nice addition to anyones character's life. I recomend getting it for fear of prosecution of being a nub.
P.S. Max armor is a nice addition to anyones character's life. I recomend getting it for fear of prosecution of being a nub.
Max Armor ftw.
Besides that, run Winter if possible. This takes care of the + earth damage.
Broad Head arrow is a nice addition, as are knockdowns and the like.
Mesmer anti-caster spells also work great.
If you can't finish with hench/hero, consider PuG.
Besides that, run Winter if possible. This takes care of the + earth damage.
Broad Head arrow is a nice addition, as are knockdowns and the like.
Mesmer anti-caster spells also work great.
If you can't finish with hench/hero, consider PuG.
Franco Power
Bring a Choking gas ranger, gg.